Search Results for author: Connelly Barnes

Found 25 papers, 11 papers with code

Layer- and Timestep-Adaptive Differentiable Token Compression Ratios for Efficient Diffusion Transformers

no code implementations22 Dec 2024 Haoran You, Connelly Barnes, Yuqian Zhou, Yan Kang, Zhenbang Du, Wei Zhou, Lingzhi Zhang, Yotam Nitzan, Xiaoyang Liu, Zhe Lin, Eli Shechtman, Sohrab Amirghodsi, Yingyan Celine Lin

To address this, we propose DiffRatio-MoD, a dynamic DiT inference framework with differentiable compression ratios, which automatically learns to dynamically route computation across layers and timesteps for each image token, resulting in Mixture-of-Depths (MoD) efficient DiT models.

Denoising Image Generation

Distilling Diffusion Models into Conditional GANs

no code implementations9 May 2024 Minguk Kang, Richard Zhang, Connelly Barnes, Sylvain Paris, Suha Kwak, Jaesik Park, Eli Shechtman, Jun-Yan Zhu, Taesung Park

We propose a method to distill a complex multistep diffusion model into a single-step conditional GAN student model, dramatically accelerating inference, while preserving image quality.

Image-to-Image Translation

Inpainting at Modern Camera Resolution by Guided PatchMatch with Auto-Curation

no code implementations6 Aug 2022 Lingzhi Zhang, Connelly Barnes, Kevin Wampler, Sohrab Amirghodsi, Eli Shechtman, Zhe Lin, Jianbo Shi

Recently, deep models have established SOTA performance for low-resolution image inpainting, but they lack fidelity at resolutions associated with modern cameras such as 4K or more, and for large holes.

4k Image Inpainting

Perceptual Artifacts Localization for Inpainting

1 code implementation5 Aug 2022 Lingzhi Zhang, Yuqian Zhou, Connelly Barnes, Sohrab Amirghodsi, Zhe Lin, Eli Shechtman, Jianbo Shi

Inspired by this workflow, we propose a new learning task of automatic segmentation of inpainting perceptual artifacts, and apply the model for inpainting model evaluation and iterative refinement.

Image Inpainting

CM-GAN: Image Inpainting with Cascaded Modulation GAN and Object-Aware Training

1 code implementation22 Mar 2022 Haitian Zheng, Zhe Lin, Jingwan Lu, Scott Cohen, Eli Shechtman, Connelly Barnes, Jianming Zhang, Ning Xu, Sohrab Amirghodsi, Jiebo Luo

We propose cascaded modulation GAN (CM-GAN), a new network design consisting of an encoder with Fourier convolution blocks that extract multi-scale feature representations from the input image with holes and a dual-stream decoder with a novel cascaded global-spatial modulation block at each scale level.

Decoder Image Inpainting

GeoFill: Reference-Based Image Inpainting with Better Geometric Understanding

no code implementations20 Jan 2022 Yunhan Zhao, Connelly Barnes, Yuqian Zhou, Eli Shechtman, Sohrab Amirghodsi, Charless Fowlkes

Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on both RealEstate10K and MannequinChallenge dataset with large baselines, complex geometry and extreme camera motions.

3D geometry Image Inpainting +1

Modulated Periodic Activations for Generalizable Local Functional Representations

2 code implementations ICCV 2021 Ishit Mehta, Michaël Gharbi, Connelly Barnes, Eli Shechtman, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Manmohan Chandraker

Our approach produces generalizable functional representations of images, videos and shapes, and achieves higher reconstruction quality than prior works that are optimized for a single signal.

Learning from Shader Program Traces

no code implementations8 Feb 2021 Yuting Yang, Connelly Barnes, Adam Finkelstein

We investigate this learning task for a variety of applications: our model can learn to predict a low-noise output image from shader programs that exhibit sampling noise; this model can also learn from a simplified shader program that approximates the reference solution with less computation, as well as learn the output of postprocessing filters like defocus blur and edge-aware sharpening.

Generative Tweening: Long-term Inbetweening of 3D Human Motions

no code implementations18 May 2020 Yi Zhou, Jingwan Lu, Connelly Barnes, Jimei Yang, Sitao Xiang, Hao Li

We introduce a biomechanically constrained generative adversarial network that performs long-term inbetweening of human motions, conditioned on keyframe constraints.

Generative Adversarial Network

Image Morphing with Perceptual Constraints and STN Alignment

1 code implementation29 Apr 2020 Noa Fish, Richard Zhang, Lilach Perry, Daniel Cohen-Or, Eli Shechtman, Connelly Barnes

In image morphing, a sequence of plausible frames are synthesized and composited together to form a smooth transformation between given instances.

Image Morphing

Foreground-aware Image Inpainting

no code implementations CVPR 2019 Wei Xiong, Jiahui Yu, Zhe Lin, Jimei Yang, Xin Lu, Connelly Barnes, Jiebo Luo

We show that by such disentanglement, the contour completion model predicts reasonable contours of objects, and further substantially improves the performance of image inpainting.

Disentanglement Image Inpainting

On the Continuity of Rotation Representations in Neural Networks

5 code implementations CVPR 2019 Yi Zhou, Connelly Barnes, Jingwan Lu, Jimei Yang, Hao Li

Thus, widely used representations such as quaternions and Euler angles are discontinuous and difficult for neural networks to learn.

Where and Who? Automatic Semantic-Aware Person Composition

no code implementations4 Jun 2017 Fuwen Tan, Crispin Bernier, Benjamin Cohen, Vicente Ordonez, Connelly Barnes

Image compositing is a method used to generate realistic yet fake imagery by inserting contents from one image to another.

Stable and Controllable Neural Texture Synthesis and Style Transfer Using Histogram Losses

5 code implementations31 Jan 2017 Eric Risser, Pierre Wilmot, Connelly Barnes

These losses can improve the quality of large features, improve the separation of content and style, and offer artistic controls such as paint by numbers.

Style Transfer Texture Synthesis

Learning to Detect Multiple Photographic Defects

1 code implementation6 Dec 2016 Ning Yu, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Radomir Mech, Connelly Barnes

Our new dataset enables us to formulate the problem as a multi-task learning problem and train a multi-column deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to simultaneously predict the severity of all the defects.

Defect Detection Multi-Task Learning

Camouflaging an Object from Many Viewpoints

no code implementations CVPR 2014 Andrew Owens, Connelly Barnes, Alex Flint, Hanumant Singh, William Freeman

We address the problem of camouflaging a 3D object from the many viewpoints that one might see it from.


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