Search Results for author: Cristian Borcea

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Concept Matching: Clustering-based Federated Continual Learning

no code implementations12 Nov 2023 Xiaopeng Jiang, Cristian Borcea

To avoid interference among client models with different concepts, the server clusters the models representing the same concept, aggregates the model weights in each cluster, and updates the global concept model with the cluster model of the same concept.

Clustering Continual Learning +1

Zone-based Federated Learning for Mobile Sensing Data

no code implementations10 Mar 2023 Xiaopeng Jiang, Thinh On, NhatHai Phan, Hessamaldin Mohammadi, Vijaya Datta Mayyuri, An Chen, Ruoming Jin, Cristian Borcea

However, currently there is no mobile sensing DL system that simultaneously achieves good model accuracy while adapting to user mobility behavior, scales well as the number of users increases, and protects user data privacy.

Federated Learning Human Activity Recognition

Complement Sparsification: Low-Overhead Model Pruning for Federated Learning

no code implementations10 Mar 2023 Xiaopeng Jiang, Cristian Borcea

For improved model performance, these two types of complementary sparse models are aggregated into a dense model in each round, which is subsequently pruned in an iterative process.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving

FLSys: Toward an Open Ecosystem for Federated Learning Mobile Apps

no code implementations17 Nov 2021 Xiaopeng Jiang, Han Hu, Vijaya Datta Mayyuri, An Chen, Devu M. Shila, Adriaan Larmuseau, Ruoming Jin, Cristian Borcea, NhatHai Phan

This article presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of FLSys, a mobile-cloud federated learning (FL) system, which can be a key component for an open ecosystem of FL models and apps.

Data Augmentation Federated Learning +3

Packaging and Sharing Machine Learning Models via the Acumos AI Open Platform

no code implementations16 Oct 2018 Shuai Zhao, Manoop Talasila, Guy Jacobson, Cristian Borcea, Syed Anwar Aftab, John F Murray

Applying Machine Learning (ML) to business applications for automation usually faces difficulties when integrating diverse ML dependencies and services, mainly because of the lack of a common ML framework.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Sentiment Analysis

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