no code implementations • 5 Dec 2024 • Haoyang Li, Marko Stamenkovic, Alexander Shmakov, Michael Fenton, Darius Shih-Chieh Chao, Kaitlyn Maiya White, Caden Mikkelsen, Jovan Mitic, Cristina Mantilla Suarez, Melissa Quinnan, Greg Landsberg, Harvey Newman, Pierre Baldi, Daniel Whiteson, Javier Duarte
However, the complexity of jet assignment increases when simultaneously considering both $H\rightarrow b\bar{b}$ reconstruction possibilities, i. e., two "resolved" small-radius jets each containing a shower initiated by a $b$-quark or one "boosted" large-radius jet containing a merged shower initiated by a $b\bar{b}$ pair.
no code implementations • 7 Jun 2023 • Rohan Shenoy, Javier Duarte, Christian Herwig, James Hirschauer, Daniel Noonan, Maurizio Pierini, Nhan Tran, Cristina Mantilla Suarez
In this paper, we train a convolutional neural network (CNN) to learn a differentiable, fast approximation of the EMD and demonstrate that it can be used as a substitute for computing-intensive EMD implementations.
1 code implementation • 27 Feb 2020 • Oz Amram, Cristina Mantilla Suarez
There has been substantial progress in applying machine learning techniques to classification problems in collider and jet physics.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology High Energy Physics - Experiment