Search Results for author: Cyril Leung

Found 13 papers, 4 papers with code

Hierarchical Skeleton Meta-Prototype Contrastive Learning with Hard Skeleton Mining for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification

1 code implementation24 Jul 2023 Haocong Rao, Cyril Leung, Chunyan Miao

Then a hierarchical meta-prototype contrastive learning model is proposed to cluster and contrast the most typical skeleton features ("prototypes") from different-level skeletons.

Contrastive Learning Unsupervised Person Re-Identification

Can ChatGPT Assess Human Personalities? A General Evaluation Framework

1 code implementation1 Mar 2023 Haocong Rao, Cyril Leung, Chunyan Miao

We further propose three evaluation metrics to measure the consistency, robustness, and fairness of assessment results from state-of-the-art LLMs including ChatGPT and GPT-4.

Answer Generation Fairness

Inductive Graph Transformer for Delivery Time Estimation

1 code implementation5 Nov 2022 Xin Zhou, Jinglong Wang, Yong liu, Xingyu Wu, Zhiqi Shen, Cyril Leung

Providing accurate estimated time of package delivery on users' purchasing pages for e-commerce platforms is of great importance to their purchasing decisions and post-purchase experiences.

Graph Neural Network

Exploring Representation-Level Augmentation for Code Search

1 code implementation21 Oct 2022 Haochen Li, Chunyan Miao, Cyril Leung, Yanxian Huang, Yuan Huang, Hongyu Zhang, Yanlin Wang

In this paper, we explore augmentation methods that augment data (both code and query) at representation level which does not require additional data processing and training, and based on this we propose a general format of representation-level augmentation that unifies existing methods.

Code Search Contrastive Learning +1

A Survey of Computer Vision Technologies In Urban and Controlled-environment Agriculture

no code implementations20 Oct 2022 Jiayun Luo, Boyang Li, Cyril Leung

In addition, we discuss five key subareas of computer vision and how they related to these CEA problems, as well as eleven vision-based CEA datasets.


Towards Fairness-Aware Federated Learning

no code implementations2 Nov 2021 Yuxin Shi, Han Yu, Cyril Leung

However, most current works focus on the interest of the central controller in FL, and overlook the interests of the FL clients.

Fairness Federated Learning +1

A Contract Theory based Incentive Mechanism for Federated Learning

no code implementations12 Aug 2021 Mengmeng Tian, Yuxin Chen, YuAn Liu, Zehui Xiong, Cyril Leung, Chunyan Miao

It is challenging to design proper incentives for the FL clients due to the fact that the task is privately trained by the clients.

Federated Learning

Scalable and Communication-efficient Decentralized Federated Edge Learning with Multi-blockchain Framework

no code implementations10 Aug 2020 Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong, Chunxiao Jiang, Yi Liu, Song Guo, Yang Zhang, Dusit Niyato, Cyril Leung, Chunyan Miao

This framework can achieve scalable and flexible decentralized FEL by individually manage local model updates or model sharing records for performance isolation.

Cryptography and Security

Joint Auction-Coalition Formation Framework for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles

no code implementations13 Jul 2020 Jer Shyuan Ng, Wei Yang Bryan Lim, Hong-Ning Dai, Zehui Xiong, Jianqiang Huang, Dusit Niyato, Xian-Sheng Hua, Cyril Leung, Chunyan Miao

The simulation results show that the grand coalition, where all UAVs join a single coalition, is not always stable due to the profit-maximizing behavior of the UAVs.

Networking and Internet Architecture Signal Processing

Towards Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles: A Multi-Dimensional Contract-Matching Approach

no code implementations8 Apr 2020 Wei Yang Bryan Lim, Jianqiang Huang, Zehui Xiong, Jiawen Kang, Dusit Niyato, Xian-Sheng Hua, Cyril Leung, Chunyan Miao

Coupled with the rise of Deep Learning, the wealth of data and enhanced computation capabilities of Internet of Vehicles (IoV) components enable effective Artificial Intelligence (AI) based models to be built.

Signal Processing Networking and Internet Architecture

Ethically Aligned Opportunistic Scheduling for Productive Laziness

no code implementations2 Jan 2019 Han Yu, Chunyan Miao, Yongqing Zheng, Lizhen Cui, Simon Fauvel, Cyril Leung

In order to enable workforce management systems to follow the IEEE Ethically Aligned Design guidelines to prioritize worker wellbeing, we propose a distributed Computational Productive Laziness (CPL) approach in this paper.

Management Scheduling

Building Ethics into Artificial Intelligence

no code implementations7 Dec 2018 Han Yu, Zhiqi Shen, Chunyan Miao, Cyril Leung, Victor R. Lesser, Qiang Yang

As artificial intelligence (AI) systems become increasingly ubiquitous, the topic of AI governance for ethical decision-making by AI has captured public imagination.

Decision Making Ethics

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