Search Results for author: DaeSung Yu

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Generalized Reduced-WMMSE Approach for Cell-Free Massive MIMO With Per-AP Power Constraints

no code implementations2 Aug 2024 Wonsik Yoo, DaeSung Yu, Hoon Lee, Seok-Hwan Park

The optimization of cooperative beamforming vectors in cell-free massive MIMO (mMIMO) systems is presented where multi-antenna access points (APs) support downlink data transmission of multiple users.

Learning Decentralized Power Control in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks

no code implementations5 Mar 2023 DaeSung Yu, Hoon Lee, Seung-Eun Hong, Seok-Hwan Park

This paper studies learning-based decentralized power control methods for cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems where a central processor (CP) controls access points (APs) through fronthaul coordination.

Robust Design of Rate-Splitting Multiple Access With Imperfect CSI for Cell-Free MIMO Systems

no code implementations7 Mar 2022 DaeSung Yu, Seok-Hwan Park, Osvaldo Simeone, Shlomo Shamai

Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) for multi-user downlink operates by splitting the message for each user equipment (UE) into a private message and a set of common messages, which are simultaneously transmitted by means of superposition coding.

Robust Design

Deep Learning Methods for Joint Optimization of Beamforming and Fronthaul Quantization in Cloud Radio Access Networks

no code implementations6 Jul 2021 DaeSung Yu, Hoon Lee, Seok-Hwan Park, Seung-Eun Hong

An efficient learning solution is proposed which constructs a DNN to produce a low-dimensional representation of optimal beamforming and quantization strategies.


Optimizing Over-the-Air Computation in IRS-Aided C-RAN Systems

no code implementations20 Apr 2020 Daesung Yu, Seok-Hwan Park, Osvaldo Simeone, Shlomo Shamai

Over-the-air computation (AirComp) is an efficient solution to enable federated learning on wireless channels.

Signal Processing Information Theory Information Theory

Convergence Analysis of Optimization Algorithms

no code implementations6 Jul 2017 HyoungSeok Kim, JiHoon Kang, WooMyoung Park, SukHyun Ko, YoonHo Cho, DaeSung Yu, YoungSook Song, JungWon Choi

The regret bound of an optimization algorithms is one of the basic criteria for evaluating the performance of the given algorithm.

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