Search Results for author: Dahye Han

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Confidence-Aware Graph Neural Networks for Learning Reliability Assessment Commitments

no code implementations28 Nov 2022 Seonho Park, Wenbo Chen, Dahye Han, Mathieu Tanneau, Pascal Van Hentenryck

Reliability Assessment Commitment (RAC) Optimization is increasingly important in grid operations due to larger shares of renewable generations in the generation mix and increased prediction errors.

Graph Neural Network

Risk-Aware Control and Optimization for High-Renewable Power Grids

no code implementations2 Apr 2022 Neil Barry, Minas Chatzos, Wenbo Chen, Dahye Han, Chaofan Huang, Roshan Joseph, Michael Klamkin, Seonho Park, Mathieu Tanneau, Pascal Van Hentenryck, Shangkun Wang, Hanyu Zhang, Haoruo Zhao

The transition of the electrical power grid from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy raises fundamental challenges to the market-clearing algorithms that drive its operations.

Uncertainty Quantification Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

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