Search Results for author: Damien Garreau

Found 22 papers, 15 papers with code

GLEAMS: Bridging the Gap Between Local and Global Explanations

1 code implementation9 Aug 2024 Giorgio Visani, Vincenzo Stanzione, Damien Garreau

The explainability of machine learning algorithms is crucial, and numerous methods have emerged recently.

CAM-Based Methods Can See through Walls

1 code implementation2 Apr 2024 Magamed Taimeskhanov, Ronan Sicre, Damien Garreau

CAM-based methods are widely-used post-hoc interpretability method that produce a saliency map to explain the decision of an image classification model.

Attribute Image Classification

Attention Meets Post-hoc Interpretability: A Mathematical Perspective

1 code implementation5 Feb 2024 Gianluigi Lopardo, Frederic Precioso, Damien Garreau

Attention-based architectures, in particular transformers, are at the heart of a technological revolution.

Are Ensembles Getting Better all the Time?

1 code implementation29 Nov 2023 Pierre-Alexandre Mattei, Damien Garreau

More precisely, in that case, the average loss of the ensemble is a decreasing function of the number of models.

Faithful and Robust Local Interpretability for Textual Predictions

1 code implementation30 Oct 2023 Gianluigi Lopardo, Frederic Precioso, Damien Garreau

Interpretability is essential for machine learning models to be trusted and deployed in critical domains.


The Risks of Recourse in Binary Classification

1 code implementation1 Jun 2023 Hidde Fokkema, Damien Garreau, Tim van Erven

Algorithmic recourse provides explanations that help users overturn an unfavorable decision by a machine learning system.

Binary Classification Classification

Understanding Post-hoc Explainers: The Case of Anchors

no code implementations15 Mar 2023 Gianluigi Lopardo, Frederic Precioso, Damien Garreau

In many scenarios, the interpretability of machine learning models is a highly required but difficult task.

On the Robustness of Text Vectorizers

no code implementations9 Mar 2023 Rémi Catellier, Samuel Vaiter, Damien Garreau

A fundamental issue in machine learning is the robustness of the model with respect to changes in the input.


Explainability as statistical inference

no code implementations6 Dec 2022 Hugo Henri Joseph Senetaire, Damien Garreau, Jes Frellsen, Pierre-Alexandre Mattei

The model parameters can be learned via maximum likelihood, and the method can be adapted to any predictor network architecture and any type of prediction problem.


Comparing Feature Importance and Rule Extraction for Interpretability on Text Data

1 code implementation4 Jul 2022 Gianluigi Lopardo, Damien Garreau

Complex machine learning algorithms are used more and more often in critical tasks involving text data, leading to the development of interpretability methods.

Feature Importance

A Sea of Words: An In-Depth Analysis of Anchors for Text Data

1 code implementation27 May 2022 Gianluigi Lopardo, Frederic Precioso, Damien Garreau

For text data, it proposes to explain a decision by highlighting a small set of words (an anchor) such that the model to explain has similar outputs when they are present in a document.

text-classification Text Classification

How to scale hyperparameters for quickshift image segmentation

1 code implementation23 Jan 2022 Damien Garreau

Quickshift is a popular algorithm for image segmentation, used as a preprocessing step in many applications.

Image Segmentation Semantic Segmentation +1

SMACE: A New Method for the Interpretability of Composite Decision Systems

1 code implementation16 Nov 2021 Gianluigi Lopardo, Damien Garreau, Frederic Precioso, Greger Ottosson

To explain such decisions, we propose the Semi-Model-Agnostic Contextual Explainer (SMACE), a new interpretability method that combines a geometric approach for decision rules with existing interpretability methods for machine learning models to generate an intuitive feature ranking tailored to the end user.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

What does LIME really see in images?

1 code implementation11 Feb 2021 Damien Garreau, Dina Mardaoui

As a consequence of this analysis, we uncover a connection between LIME and integrated gradients, another explanation method.

Object Recognition Superpixels

An Analysis of LIME for Text Data

1 code implementation23 Oct 2020 Dina Mardaoui, Damien Garreau

In this paper, we provide a first theoretical analysis of LIME for text data.

Looking Deeper into Tabular LIME

1 code implementation25 Aug 2020 Damien Garreau, Ulrike Von Luxburg

As an example, for linear functions we show that LIME has the desirable property to provide explanations that are proportional to the coefficients of the function to explain and to ignore coordinates that are not used by the function to explain.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Explaining the Explainer: A First Theoretical Analysis of LIME

no code implementations10 Jan 2020 Damien Garreau, Ulrike Von Luxburg

We derive closed-form expressions for the coefficients of the interpretable model when the function to explain is linear.

Decision Making

When do random forests fail?

no code implementations NeurIPS 2018 Cheng Tang, Damien Garreau, Ulrike Von Luxburg

As a consequence, even highly randomized trees can lead to inconsistent forests if no subsampling is used, which implies that some of the commonly used setups for random forests can be inconsistent.

Comparison-Based Random Forests

no code implementations ICML 2018 Siavash Haghiri, Damien Garreau, Ulrike Von Luxburg

Assume we are given a set of items from a general metric space, but we neither have access to the representation of the data nor to the distances between data points.

General Classification regression +1

NEWMA: a new method for scalable model-free online change-point detection

1 code implementation21 May 2018 Nicolas Keriven, Damien Garreau, Iacopo Poli

We consider the problem of detecting abrupt changes in the distribution of a multi-dimensional time series, with limited computing power and memory.

Change Point Detection Time Series +1

Large sample analysis of the median heuristic

1 code implementation23 Jul 2017 Damien Garreau, Wittawat Jitkrittum, Motonobu Kanagawa

In kernel methods, the median heuristic has been widely used as a way of setting the bandwidth of RBF kernels.

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