Search Results for author: Dan Braun

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Interpretability in Parameter Space: Minimizing Mechanistic Description Length with Attribution-based Parameter Decomposition

no code implementations24 Jan 2025 Dan Braun, Lucius Bushnaq, Stefan Heimersheim, Jake Mendel, Lee Sharkey

We introduce Attribution-based Parameter Decomposition (APD), a method that directly decomposes a neural network's parameters into components that (i) are faithful to the parameters of the original network, (ii) require a minimal number of components to process any input, and (iii) are maximally simple.

Towards evaluations-based safety cases for AI scheming

no code implementations29 Oct 2024 Mikita Balesni, Marius Hobbhahn, David Lindner, Alexander Meinke, Tomek Korbak, Joshua Clymer, Buck Shlegeris, Jérémy Scheurer, Charlotte Stix, Rusheb Shah, Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill, Dan Braun, Bilal Chughtai, Owain Evans, Daniel Kokotajlo, Lucius Bushnaq

We sketch how developers of frontier AI systems could construct a structured rationale -- a 'safety case' -- that an AI system is unlikely to cause catastrophic outcomes through scheming.

Identifying Functionally Important Features with End-to-End Sparse Dictionary Learning

1 code implementation17 May 2024 Dan Braun, Jordan Taylor, Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill, Lee Sharkey

We propose end-to-end (e2e) sparse dictionary learning, a method for training SAEs that ensures the features learned are functionally important by minimizing the KL divergence between the output distributions of the original model and the model with SAE activations inserted.

Dictionary Learning

Using Degeneracy in the Loss Landscape for Mechanistic Interpretability

no code implementations17 May 2024 Lucius Bushnaq, Jake Mendel, Stefan Heimersheim, Dan Braun, Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill, Kaarel Hänni, Cindy Wu, Marius Hobbhahn

We propose that if we can represent a neural network in a way that is invariant to reparameterizations that exploit the degeneracies, then this representation is likely to be more interpretable, and we provide some evidence that such a representation is likely to have sparser interactions.

Learning Theory

The Local Interaction Basis: Identifying Computationally-Relevant and Sparsely Interacting Features in Neural Networks

1 code implementation17 May 2024 Lucius Bushnaq, Stefan Heimersheim, Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill, Dan Braun, Jake Mendel, Kaarel Hänni, Avery Griffin, Jörn Stöhler, Magdalena Wache, Marius Hobbhahn

We present a novel interpretability method that aims to overcome this limitation by transforming the activations of the network into a new basis - the Local Interaction Basis (LIB).

Interpreting Neural Networks through the Polytope Lens

no code implementations22 Nov 2022 Sid Black, Lee Sharkey, Leo Grinsztajn, Eric Winsor, Dan Braun, Jacob Merizian, Kip Parker, Carlos Ramón Guevara, Beren Millidge, Gabriel Alfour, Connor Leahy

Previous mechanistic descriptions have used individual neurons or their linear combinations to understand the representations a network has learned.

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