Search Results for author: Dan He

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Multilingual Speech Translation KIT @ IWSLT2021

no code implementations ACL (IWSLT) 2021 Ngoc-Quan Pham, Tuan Nam Nguyen, Thanh-Le Ha, Sebastian Stüker, Alexander Waibel, Dan He

This paper contains the description for the submission of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for the multilingual TEDx translation task in the IWSLT 2021 evaluation campaign.


Rethinking Normalization Strategies and Convolutional Kernels for Multimodal Image Fusion

no code implementations15 Nov 2024 Dan He, Guofen Wang, Weisheng Li, Yucheng Shu, Wenbo Li, Lijian Yang, Yuping Huang, Feiyan Li

Multimodal image fusion (MMIF) aims to integrate information from different modalities to obtain a comprehensive image, aiding downstream tasks.


MINT: Mutual Information based Transductive Feature Selection for Genetic Trait Prediction

no code implementations7 Oct 2013 Dan He, Irina Rish, David Haws, Simon Teyssedre, Zivan Karaman, Laxmi Parida

Whole genome prediction of complex phenotypic traits using high-density genotyping arrays has attracted a great deal of attention, as it is relevant to the fields of plant and animal breeding and genetic epidemiology.

Computational Efficiency Epidemiology +1

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