Search Results for author: Dan Meng

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

When LLMs Meet Cybersecurity: A Systematic Literature Review

1 code implementation6 May 2024 Jie Zhang, Haoyu Bu, Hui Wen, Yongji Liu, Haiqiang Fei, Rongrong Xi, Lun Li, Yun Yang, Hongsong Zhu, Dan Meng

The rapid development of large language models (LLMs) has opened new avenues across various fields, including cybersecurity, which faces an evolving threat landscape and demand for innovative technologies.

Systematic Literature Review

LoopAnimate: Loopable Salient Object Animation

no code implementations14 Apr 2024 Fanyi Wang, Peng Liu, Haotian Hu, Dan Meng, Jingwen Su, Jinjin Xu, Yanhao Zhang, Xiaoming Ren, Zhiwang Zhang

The proposed LoopAnimate, which for the first time extends the single-pass generation length of UNet-based video generation models to 35 frames while maintaining high-quality video generation.

Object Video Generation

A Comprehensive Survey on Process-Oriented Automatic Text Summarization with Exploration of LLM-Based Methods

no code implementations5 Mar 2024 Hanlei Jin, Yang Zhang, Dan Meng, Jun Wang, Jinghua Tan

Automatic Text Summarization (ATS), utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms, aims to create concise and accurate summaries, thereby significantly reducing the human effort required in processing large volumes of text.

Survey Text Summarization

Making Users Indistinguishable: Attribute-wise Unlearning in Recommender Systems

no code implementations6 Oct 2023 Yuyuan Li, Chaochao Chen, Xiaolin Zheng, Yizhao Zhang, Zhongxuan Han, Dan Meng, Jun Wang

To address the PoT-AU problem in recommender systems, we design a two-component loss function that consists of i) distinguishability loss: making attribute labels indistinguishable from attackers, and ii) regularization loss: preventing drastic changes in the model that result in a negative impact on recommendation performance.

Attribute Recommendation Systems

Knowledge Federation: A Unified and Hierarchical Privacy-Preserving AI Framework

no code implementations5 Feb 2020 Hongyu Li, Dan Meng, Hong Wang, Xiaolin Li

With strict protections and regulations of data privacy and security, conventional machine learning based on centralized datasets is confronted with significant challenges, making artificial intelligence (AI) impractical in many mission-critical and data-sensitive scenarios, such as finance, government, and health.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving

Template-Instance Loss for Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition

no code implementations12 Oct 2019 Yao Xiao, Dan Meng, Cewu Lu, Chi-Keung Tang

The long-standing challenges for offline handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR) are twofold: Chinese characters can be very diverse and complicated while similarly looking, and cursive handwriting (due to increased writing speed and infrequent pen lifting) makes strokes and even characters connected together in a flowing manner.

Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition

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