Search Results for author: Dan Morris

Found 10 papers, 5 papers with code

Planted: a dataset for planted forest identification from multi-satellite time series

no code implementations24 May 2024 Luis Miguel Pazos-Outón, Cristina Nader Vasconcelos, Anton Raichuk, Anurag Arnab, Dan Morris, Maxim Neumann

In this paper, we present a dataset consisting of data from five public satellites for recognizing forest plantations and planted tree species across the globe.

Data Augmentation Time Series

Multi-Label Learning from Single Positive Labels

2 code implementations CVPR 2021 Elijah Cole, Oisin Mac Aodha, Titouan Lorieul, Pietro Perona, Dan Morris, Nebojsa Jojic

When the number of potential labels is large, human annotators find it difficult to mention all applicable labels for each training image.


Sequence Information Channel Concatenation for Improving Camera Trap Image Burst Classification

no code implementations30 Apr 2020 Bhuvan Malladihalli Shashidhara, Darshan Mehta, Yash Kale, Dan Morris, Megan Hazen

We hypothesize that a short burst of images instead of a single image, assuming that the animal moves, makes it much easier for a human as well as a machine to detect the presence of animals.

General Classification Image Classification

The GeoLifeCLEF 2020 Dataset

1 code implementation8 Apr 2020 Elijah Cole, Benjamin Deneu, Titouan Lorieul, Maximilien Servajean, Christophe Botella, Dan Morris, Nebojsa Jojic, Pierre Bonnet, Alexis Joly

Understanding the geographic distribution of species is a key concern in conservation.

Local Context Normalization: Revisiting Local Normalization

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Anthony Ortiz, Caleb Robinson, Dan Morris, Olac Fuentes, Christopher Kiekintveld, Md Mahmudulla Hassan, Nebojsa Jojic

In many vision applications the local spatial context of the features is important, but most common normalization schemes including Group Normalization (GN), Instance Normalization (IN), and Layer Normalization (LN) normalize over the entire spatial dimension of a feature.

Instance Segmentation object-detection +3

A deep active learning system for species identification and counting in camera trap images

1 code implementation22 Oct 2019 Mohammad Sadegh Norouzzadeh, Dan Morris, Sara Beery, Neel Joshi, Nebojsa Jojic, Jeff Clune

However, the accuracy of results depends on the amount, quality, and diversity of the data available to train models, and the literature has focused on projects with millions of relevant, labeled training images.

Active Learning Decision Making +1

Efficient Pipeline for Camera Trap Image Review

1 code implementation15 Jul 2019 Sara Beery, Dan Morris, Siyu Yang

Biologists all over the world use camera traps to monitor biodiversity and wildlife population density.

General Classification

The iWildCam 2019 Challenge Dataset

no code implementations15 Jul 2019 Sara Beery, Dan Morris, Pietro Perona

We use the Caltech Camera Traps dataset, collected from the American Southwest, as training data.

Transfer Learning

Synthetic Examples Improve Generalization for Rare Classes

no code implementations11 Apr 2019 Sara Beery, Yang Liu, Dan Morris, Jim Piavis, Ashish Kapoor, Markus Meister, Neel Joshi, Pietro Perona

The ability to detect and classify rare occurrences in images has important applications - for example, counting rare and endangered species when studying biodiversity, or detecting infrequent traffic scenarios that pose a danger to self-driving cars.

Few-Shot Learning Self-Driving Cars

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