no code implementations • LREC 2022 • Dana Abdulrahim, Go Inoue, Latifa Shamsan, Salam Khalifa, Nizar Habash
Our objective is to create a specialized corpus of the Bahraini Arabic dialect, which includes written texts as well as transcripts of audio files, belonging to a different genre (folktales, comedy shows, plays, cooking shows, etc.).
no code implementations • LREC 2018 • Nizar Habash, Fadhl Eryani, Salam Khalifa, Owen Rambow, Dana Abdulrahim, Alex Erdmann, er, Reem Faraj, Wajdi Zaghouani, Houda Bouamor, Nasser Zalmout, Sara Hassan, Faisal Al-Shargi, Sakhar Alkhereyf, Basma Abdulkareem, Esk, Ramy er, Mohammad Salameh, Hind Saddiki
no code implementations • LREC 2016 • Salam Khalifa, Nizar Habash, Dana Abdulrahim, Sara Hassan
Most Arabic natural language processing tools and resources are developed to serve Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), which is the official written language in the Arab World.