no code implementations • EMNLP (CINLP) 2021 • Daniel Low, Kelly Zuromski, Daniel Kessler, Satrajit S. Ghosh, Matthew K. Nock, Walter Dempsey
We use propensity score stratification, a causal inference method for observational data, and estimate whether the amount of comments —as a measure of social support— increases or decreases the likelihood of posting again on SW. One hypothesis is that receiving more comments may decrease the likelihood of the user posting in SW in the future, either by reducing symptoms or because comments from untrained peers may be harmful.
1 code implementation • 26 Feb 2024 • Hang Jiang, Xiajie Zhang, Robert Mahari, Daniel Kessler, Eric Ma, Tal August, Irene Li, Alex 'Sandy' Pentland, Yoon Kim, Deb Roy, Jad Kabbara
Finally, we find that learning with stories shows a higher retention rate for non-native speakers in the follow-up assessment.
no code implementations • 31 Dec 2020 • Snigdha Panigrahi, Peter W. MacDonald, Daniel Kessler
After selection with the Group LASSO (or generalized variants such as the overlapping, sparse, or standardized Group LASSO), inference for the selected parameters is unreliable in the absence of adjustments for selection bias.
no code implementations • 10 Nov 2020 • Alexander Ritchie, Laura Balzano, Daniel Kessler, Chandra S. Sripada, Clayton Scott
Methods for supervised principal component analysis (SPCA) aim to incorporate label information into principal component analysis (PCA), so that the extracted features are more useful for a prediction task of interest.
no code implementations • 6 Mar 2019 • Yura Kim, Daniel Kessler, Elizaveta Levina
One challenge in analyzing such data is that inference at the individual edge level is not particularly biologically meaningful; interpretation is more useful at the level of so-called functional regions, or groups of nodes and connections between them; this is often called "graph-aware" inference in the neuroimaging literature.
1 code implementation • 27 Jan 2017 • Jesús D. Arroyo-Relión, Daniel Kessler, Elizaveta Levina, Stephan F. Taylor
Our goal is to design a classification method that uses both the individual edge information and the network structure of the data in a computationally efficient way, and that can produce a parsimonious and interpretable representation of differences in brain connectivity patterns between classes.
no code implementations • 21 Oct 2013 • Takanori Watanabe, Daniel Kessler, Clayton Scott, Michael Angstadt, Chandra Sripada
Using the fused Lasso or GraphNet regularizer with the hinge-loss leads to a structured sparse support vector machine (SVM) with embedded feature selection.