Search Results for author: Daniel Kifer

Found 44 papers, 11 papers with code

SAMIC: Segment Anything with In-Context Spatial Prompt Engineering

no code implementations16 Dec 2024 Savinay Nagendra, Kashif Rashid, Chaopeng Shen, Daniel Kifer

Few-shot segmentation is the problem of learning to identify specific types of objects (e. g., airplanes) in images from a small set of labeled reference images.

Few-Shot Learning Prompt Engineering +2

Precision, Stability, and Generalization: A Comprehensive Assessment of RNNs learnability capability for Classifying Counter and Dyck Languages

no code implementations4 Oct 2024 Neisarg Dave, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles, Ankur Mali

However, our research challenges this notion by demonstrating that RNNs primarily operate as state machines, where their linguistic capabilities are heavily influenced by the precision of their embeddings and the strategies used for sampling negative examples.

Efficient and Private Marginal Reconstruction with Local Non-Negativity

1 code implementation1 Oct 2024 Brett Mullins, Miguel Fuentes, Yingtai Xiao, Daniel Kifer, Cameron Musco, Daniel Sheldon

Reconstruction is an important subproblem for such mechanisms to economize the privacy budget, minimize error on reconstructed answers, and allow for scalability to high-dimensional datasets.

Investigating Symbolic Capabilities of Large Language Models

no code implementations21 May 2024 Neisarg Dave, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles, Ankur Mali

However, most research has predominantly focused on language-based reasoning and word problems, often overlooking the potential of LLMs in handling symbol-based calculations and reasoning.

Math Navigate

Stability Analysis of Various Symbolic Rule Extraction Methods from Recurrent Neural Network

no code implementations4 Feb 2024 Neisarg Dave, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles, Ankur Mali

We sampled the datasets from $7$ Tomita and $4$ Dyck grammars and trained them on $4$ RNN cells: LSTM, GRU, O2RNN, and MIRNN.


On the Computational Complexity and Formal Hierarchy of Second Order Recurrent Neural Networks

no code implementations26 Sep 2023 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles

In this work, we extend the theoretical foundation for the $2^{nd}$-order recurrent network ($2^{nd}$ RNN) and prove there exists a class of a $2^{nd}$ RNN that is Turing-complete with bounded time.

An Optimal and Scalable Matrix Mechanism for Noisy Marginals under Convex Loss Functions

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Yingtai Xiao, Guanlin He, Danfeng Zhang, Daniel Kifer

Noisy marginals are a common form of confidentiality-protecting data release and are useful for many downstream tasks such as contingency table analysis, construction of Bayesian networks, and even synthetic data generation.

Synthetic Data Generation

Answering Private Linear Queries Adaptively using the Common Mechanism

1 code implementation30 Nov 2022 Yingtai Xiao, Guanhong Wang, Danfeng Zhang, Daniel Kifer

Since M* will be used no matter what, the analyst can use its output to decide whether to subsequently run M1'(thus recreating the analysis supported by M1) or M2'(recreating the analysis supported by M2), without wasting privacy loss budget.

PatchRefineNet: Improving Binary Segmentation by Incorporating Signals from Optimal Patch-wise Binarization

1 code implementation12 Nov 2022 Savinay Nagendra, Chaopeng Shen, Daniel Kifer

Given the logit scores produced by the base segmentation model, each pixel is given a pseudo-label that is obtained by optimally thresholding the logit scores in each image patch.

 Ranked #1 on Polyp Segmentation on Kvasir-SEG (mIoU metric)

Binarization Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation +5

Neural JPEG: End-to-End Image Compression Leveraging a Standard JPEG Encoder-Decoder

no code implementations27 Jan 2022 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles

In light of this, we propose a system that learns to improve the encoding performance by enhancing its internal neural representations on both the encoder and decoder ends, an approach we call Neural JPEG.

Decoder Image Compression +3

An Empirical Analysis of Recurrent Learning Algorithms In Neural Lossy Image Compression Systems

no code implementations27 Jan 2022 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles

Recent advances in deep learning have resulted in image compression algorithms that outperform JPEG and JPEG 2000 on the standard Kodak benchmark.

Decoder Image Compression

OmniLayout: Room Layout Reconstruction from Indoor Spherical Panoramas

no code implementations19 Apr 2021 Shivansh Rao, Vikas Kumar, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles, Ankur Mali

A common approach has been to use standard convolutional networks to predict the corners and boundaries, followed by post-processing to generate the 3D layout.

3D Room Layouts From A Single RGB Panorama

Recognizing and Verifying Mathematical Equations using Multiplicative Differential Neural Units

no code implementations7 Apr 2021 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles

Two particular tasks that test this type of reasoning are (1) mathematical equation verification, which requires determining whether trigonometric and linear algebraic statements are valid identities or not, and (2) equation completion, which entails filling in a blank within an expression to make it true.

Mathematical Reasoning

The data synergy effects of time-series deep learning models in hydrology

no code implementations6 Jan 2021 Kuai Fang, Daniel Kifer, Kathryn Lawson, Dapeng Feng, Chaopeng Shen

We hypothesize that DL models automatically adjust their internal representations to identify commonalities while also providing sufficient discriminatory information to the model.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

The Neural Coding Framework for Learning Generative Models

no code implementations7 Dec 2020 Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer

Neural generative models can be used to learn complex probability distributions from data, to sample from them, and to produce probability density estimates.

Optimizing Fitness-For-Use of Differentially Private Linear Queries

1 code implementation30 Nov 2020 Yingtai Xiao, Zeyu Ding, Yuxin Wang, Danfeng Zhang, Daniel Kifer

In practice, differentially private data releases are designed to support a variety of applications.


Differentially Private Deep Learning with Direct Feedback Alignment

no code implementations8 Oct 2020 Jaewoo Lee, Daniel Kifer

Standard methods for differentially private training of deep neural networks replace back-propagated mini-batch gradients with biased and noisy approximations to the gradient.

Deep Learning Privacy Preserving

Scaling up Differentially Private Deep Learning with Fast Per-Example Gradient Clipping

2 code implementations7 Sep 2020 Jaewoo Lee, Daniel Kifer

The reason for this slowdown is a crucial privacy-related step called "per-example gradient clipping" whose naive implementation undoes the benefits of batch training with GPUs.

CheckDP: An Automated and Integrated Approach for Proving Differential Privacy or Finding Precise Counterexamples

no code implementations17 Aug 2020 Yuxin Wang, Zeyu Ding, Daniel Kifer, Danfeng Zhang

We propose CheckDP, the first automated and integrated approach for proving or disproving claims that a mechanism is differentially private.

Programming Languages D.3.1

Recognizing Long Grammatical Sequences Using Recurrent Networks Augmented With An External Differentiable Stack

no code implementations4 Apr 2020 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer, Clyde Lee Giles

In this paper, we improve the memory-augmented RNN with important architectural and state updating mechanisms that ensure that the model learns to properly balance the use of its latent states with external memory.

Language Modelling Machine Translation +1

Large-Scale Gradient-Free Deep Learning with Recursive Local Representation Alignment

no code implementations10 Feb 2020 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles

Training deep neural networks on large-scale datasets requires significant hardware resources whose costs (even on cloud platforms) put them out of reach of smaller organizations, groups, and individuals.

Evaluating aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties of time series deep learning models for soil moisture predictions

no code implementations10 Jun 2019 Kuai Fang, Chaopeng Shen, Daniel Kifer

Soil moisture is an important variable that determines floods, vegetation health, agriculture productivity, and land surface feedbacks to the atmosphere, etc.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

Lifelong Neural Predictive Coding: Learning Cumulatively Online without Forgetting

no code implementations25 May 2019 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles

In lifelong learning systems based on artificial neural networks, one of the biggest obstacles is the inability to retain old knowledge as new information is encountered.

Free Gap Information from the Differentially Private Sparse Vector and Noisy Max Mechanisms

no code implementations29 Apr 2019 Zeyu Ding, Yuxin Wang, Danfeng Zhang, Daniel Kifer

We show that it can also release for free the noisy gap between the approximate maximizer and runner-up.

Proving Differential Privacy with Shadow Execution

1 code implementation28 Mar 2019 Yuxin Wang, Zeyu Ding, Guanhong Wang, Daniel Kifer, Danfeng Zhang

Sometimes, combining those two requires substantial changes to program logics: one recent paper is able to verify Report Noisy Max automatically, but it involves a complex verification system using customized program logics and verifiers.

Programming Languages D.2.4

Continual Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks by Locally Aligning Distributed Representations

2 code implementations17 Oct 2018 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali, C. Lee Giles, Daniel Kifer

We compare our model and learning procedure to other back-propagation through time alternatives (which also tend to be computationally expensive), including real-time recurrent learning, echo state networks, and unbiased online recurrent optimization.

Continual Learning Language Modeling +2

ET-Lasso: A New Efficient Tuning of Lasso-type Regularization for High-Dimensional Data

no code implementations10 Oct 2018 Songshan Yang, Jiawei Wen, Xiang Zhan, Daniel Kifer

The pseudo-features are constructed to be inactive by nature, which can be used to obtain a cutoff to select the tuning parameter that separates active and inactive features.

feature selection

TextContourNet: a Flexible and Effective Framework for Improving Scene Text Detection Architecture with a Multi-task Cascade

no code implementations9 Sep 2018 Dafang He, Xiao Yang, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles

We propose a novel and effective framework for this and experimentally demonstrate that: (1) A CNN that can be effectively used to extract instance-level text contour from natural images.

Scene Text Detection Text Detection

Concentrated Differentially Private Gradient Descent with Adaptive per-Iteration Privacy Budget

1 code implementation28 Aug 2018 Jaewoo Lee, Daniel Kifer

It outperforms prior algorithms for model fitting and is competitive with the state-of-the-art for $(\epsilon,\delta)$-differential privacy, a strictly weaker definition than zCDP.

Detecting Outliers in Data with Correlated Measures

no code implementations26 Aug 2018 Yu-Hsuan Kuo, Zhenhui Li, Daniel Kifer

Advances in sensor technology have enabled the collection of large-scale datasets.

Outlier Detection

Toward Detecting Violations of Differential Privacy

2 code implementations25 May 2018 Ding Ding, Yuxin Wang, Guanhong Wang, Danfeng Zhang, Daniel Kifer

The widespread acceptance of differential privacy has led to the publication of many sophisticated algorithms for protecting privacy.

Cryptography and Security

Adversarial Training for Community Question Answer Selection Based on Multi-scale Matching

no code implementations22 Apr 2018 Xiao Yang, Miaosen Wang, Wei Wang, Madian Khabsa, Ahmed Awadallah, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles

We frame this task as a binary (relevant/irrelevant) classification problem, and present an adversarial training framework to alleviate label imbalance issue.

Answer Selection General Classification

Differentially Private Confidence Intervals for Empirical Risk Minimization

no code implementations11 Apr 2018 Yue Wang, Daniel Kifer, Jaewoo Lee

The process of data mining with differential privacy produces results that are affected by two types of noise: sampling noise due to data collection and privacy noise that is designed to prevent the reconstruction of sensitive information.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Conducting Credit Assignment by Aligning Local Representations

no code implementations5 Mar 2018 Alexander G. Ororbia, Ankur Mali, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles

Using back-propagation and its variants to train deep networks is often problematic for new users.

Predicting Demographics of High-Resolution Geographies with Geotagged Tweets

no code implementations22 Jan 2017 Omar Montasser, Daniel Kifer

For the task of predicting gender and race/ethnicity counts at the blockgroup-level, an approach adapted from prior work to our problem achieves an average correlation of 0. 389 (gender) and 0. 569 (race) on a held-out test dataset.

Survey Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

A New Class of Private Chi-Square Tests

1 code implementation24 Oct 2016 Daniel Kifer, Ryan Rogers

In this paper, we develop new test statistics for private hypothesis testing.

Statistics Theory Cryptography and Security Statistics Theory

Unifying Adversarial Training Algorithms with Flexible Deep Data Gradient Regularization

no code implementations26 Jan 2016 Alexander G. Ororbia II, C. Lee Giles, Daniel Kifer

Many previous proposals for adversarial training of deep neural nets have included di- rectly modifying the gradient, training on a mix of original and adversarial examples, using contractive penalties, and approximately optimizing constrained adversarial ob- jective functions.

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