Search Results for author: Daniel Palenicek

Found 9 papers, 6 papers with code

Diminishing Return of Value Expansion Methods

1 code implementation29 Dec 2024 Daniel Palenicek, Michael Lutter, João Carvalho, Daniel Dennert, Faran Ahmad, Jan Peters

Model-based reinforcement learning aims to increase sample efficiency, but the accuracy of dynamics models and the resulting compounding errors are often seen as key limitations.

Model-based Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

ROS-LLM: A ROS framework for embodied AI with task feedback and structured reasoning

1 code implementation28 Jun 2024 Christopher E. Mower, Yuhui Wan, Hongzhan Yu, Antoine Grosnit, Jonas Gonzalez-Billandon, Matthieu Zimmer, Jinlong Wang, Xinyu Zhang, Yao Zhao, Anbang Zhai, Puze Liu, Daniel Palenicek, Davide Tateo, Cesar Cadena, Marco Hutter, Jan Peters, Guangjian Tian, Yuzheng Zhuang, Kun Shao, Xingyue Quan, Jianye Hao, Jun Wang, Haitham Bou-Ammar

Key features of the framework include: integration of ROS with an AI agent connected to a plethora of open-source and commercial LLMs, automatic extraction of a behavior from the LLM output and execution of ROS actions/services, support for three behavior modes (sequence, behavior tree, state machine), imitation learning for adding new robot actions to the library of possible actions, and LLM reflection via human and environment feedback.

AI Agent Imitation Learning

Iterated $Q$-Network: Beyond One-Step Bellman Updates in Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations4 Mar 2024 Théo Vincent, Daniel Palenicek, Boris Belousov, Jan Peters, Carlo D'Eramo

It has been observed that this scheme can be potentially generalized to carry out multiple iterations of the Bellman operator at once, benefiting the underlying learning algorithm.

Atari Games continuous-control +4

Diminishing Return of Value Expansion Methods in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation7 Mar 2023 Daniel Palenicek, Michael Lutter, Joao Carvalho, Jan Peters

Therefore, we conclude that the limitation of model-based value expansion methods is not the model accuracy of the learned models.

continuous-control Continuous Control +3

Revisiting Model-based Value Expansion

no code implementations28 Mar 2022 Daniel Palenicek, Michael Lutter, Jan Peters

Model-based value expansion methods promise to improve the quality of value function targets and, thereby, the effectiveness of value function learning.

model Model-based Reinforcement Learning

SAMBA: Safe Model-Based & Active Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation12 Jun 2020 Alexander I. Cowen-Rivers, Daniel Palenicek, Vincent Moens, Mohammed Abdullah, Aivar Sootla, Jun Wang, Haitham Ammar

In this paper, we propose SAMBA, a novel framework for safe reinforcement learning that combines aspects from probabilistic modelling, information theory, and statistics.

model Reinforcement Learning +2

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