Search Results for author: Daniel Shats

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

A large dataset curation and benchmark for drug target interaction

no code implementations30 Jan 2024 Alex Golts, Vadim Ratner, Yoel Shoshan, Moshe Raboh, Sagi Polaczek, Michal Ozery-Flato, Daniel Shats, Liam Hazan, Sivan Ravid, Efrat Hexter

In this paper we propose a way to standardize and represent efficiently a very large dataset curated from multiple public sources, split the data into train, validation and test sets based on different meaningful strategies, and provide a concrete evaluation protocol to accomplish a benchmark.

Drug Discovery

Exploring the Interplay Between Colorectal Cancer Subtypes Genomic Variants and Cellular Morphology: A Deep-Learning Approach

1 code implementation26 Mar 2023 Hadar Hezi, Daniel Shats, Daniel Gurevich, Yosef E. Maruvka, Moti Freiman

We trained CNN models for CRC subtype classification that account for potential correlation between genomic variations within CRC subtypes and their corresponding cellular morphology patterns.

Binary Classification Classification +1

Multi-Target Multiple Instance Learning for Hyperspectral Target Detection

1 code implementation7 Sep 2019 Susan Meerdink, James Bocinsky, Alina Zare, Nicholas Kroeger, Connor McCurley, Daniel Shats, Paul Gader

They learn a dictionary of target signatures that optimizes detection against a background using the Adaptive Cosine Estimator (ACE) and Spectral Match Filter (SMF).

Multiple Instance Learning

Investigation of Initialization Strategies for the Multiple Instance Adaptive Cosine Estimator

no code implementations30 Apr 2019 James Bocinsky, Connor McCurley, Daniel Shats, Alina Zare

Sensors which use electromagnetic induction (EMI) to excite a response in conducting bodies have long been investigated for subsurface explosive hazard detection.

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