Search Results for author: Daniela Gerz

Found 14 papers, 7 papers with code

Multidirectional Associative Optimization of Function-Specific Word Representations

1 code implementation ACL 2020 Daniela Gerz, Ivan Vulić, Marek Rei, Roi Reichart, Anna Korhonen

We present a neural framework for learning associations between interrelated groups of words such as the ones found in Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) structures.

Efficient Intent Detection with Dual Sentence Encoders

5 code implementations WS 2020 Iñigo Casanueva, Tadas Temčinas, Daniela Gerz, Matthew Henderson, Ivan Vulić

Building conversational systems in new domains and with added functionality requires resource-efficient models that work under low-data regimes (i. e., in few-shot setups).

Intent Detection Sentence

Training Neural Response Selection for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

1 code implementation ACL 2019 Matthew Henderson, Ivan Vulić, Daniela Gerz, Iñigo Casanueva, Paweł Budzianowski, Sam Coope, Georgios Spithourakis, Tsung-Hsien Wen, Nikola Mrkšić, Pei-Hao Su

Despite their popularity in the chatbot literature, retrieval-based models have had modest impact on task-oriented dialogue systems, with the main obstacle to their application being the low-data regime of most task-oriented dialogue tasks.

Chatbot Language Modelling +2

Scoring Lexical Entailment with a Supervised Directional Similarity Network

1 code implementation ACL 2018 Marek Rei, Daniela Gerz, Ivan Vulić

Experiments show excellent performance on scoring graded lexical entailment, raising the state-of-the-art on the HyperLex dataset by approximately 25%.

Lexical Entailment Word Embeddings

HyperLex: A Large-Scale Evaluation of Graded Lexical Entailment

no code implementations CL 2017 Ivan Vulić, Daniela Gerz, Douwe Kiela, Felix Hill, Anna Korhonen

We introduce HyperLex - a dataset and evaluation resource that quantifies the extent of of the semantic category membership, that is, type-of relation also known as hyponymy-hypernymy or lexical entailment (LE) relation between 2, 616 concept pairs.

Lexical Entailment Relation +1

SimVerb-3500: A Large-Scale Evaluation Set of Verb Similarity

1 code implementation EMNLP 2016 Daniela Gerz, Ivan Vulić, Felix Hill, Roi Reichart, Anna Korhonen

Verbs play a critical role in the meaning of sentences, but these ubiquitous words have received little attention in recent distributional semantics research.

Diversity Representation Learning

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