Search Results for author: Daniela Weidner

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Exploring Epipolar Consistency Conditions for Rigid Motion Compensation in In-vivo X-ray Microscopy

no code implementations1 Mar 2023 Mareike Thies, Fabian Wagner, Mingxuan Gu, Siyuan Mei, Yixing Huang, Sabrina Pechmann, Oliver Aust, Daniela Weidner, Georgiana Neag, Stefan Uderhardt, Georg Schett, Silke Christiansen, Andreas Maier

Intravital X-ray microscopy (XRM) in preclinical mouse models is of vital importance for the identification of microscopic structural pathological changes in the bone which are characteristic of osteoporosis.

Motion Compensation

On the Benefit of Dual-domain Denoising in a Self-supervised Low-dose CT Setting

1 code implementation2 Nov 2022 Fabian Wagner, Mareike Thies, Laura Pfaff, Oliver Aust, Sabrina Pechmann, Daniela Weidner, Noah Maul, Maximilian Rohleder, Mingxuan Gu, Jonas Utz, Felix Denzinger, Andreas Maier

In this work, we present an end-to-end trainable CT reconstruction pipeline that contains denoising operators in both the projection and the image domain and that are optimized simultaneously without requiring ground-truth high-dose CT data.

Computed Tomography (CT) CT Reconstruction +2

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