Search Results for author: Daniela Zaharie

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Patterns of Convergence and Bound Constraint Violation in Differential Evolution on SBOX-COST Benchmarking Suite

no code implementations20 May 2023 Mădălina-Andreea Mitran, Anna V. Kononova, Fabio Caraffini, Daniela Zaharie

This study investigates the influence of several bound constraint handling methods (BCHMs) on the search process specific to Differential Evolution (DE), with a focus on identifying similarities between BCHMs and grouping patterns with respect to the number of cases when a BCHM is activated.


The importance of being constrained: dealing with infeasible solutions in Differential Evolution and beyond

1 code implementation7 Mar 2022 Anna V. Kononova, Diederick Vermetten, Fabio Caraffini, Madalina-A. Mitran, Daniela Zaharie

Here, we demonstrate that, at least in algorithms based on Differential Evolution, this choice induces notably different behaviours - in terms of performance, disruptiveness and population diversity.


To BAN or not to BAN: Bayesian Attention Networks for Reliable Hate Speech Detection

no code implementations10 Jul 2020 Kristian Miok, Blaz Skrlj, Daniela Zaharie, Marko Robnik-Sikonja

Our approach not only improves the classification performance of the state-of-the-art multilingual BERT model but the computed reliability scores also significantly reduce the workload in an inspection of ofending cases and reannotation campaigns.

Classification General Classification +2

Generating Data using Monte Carlo Dropout

1 code implementation12 Sep 2019 Kristian Miok, Dong Nguyen-Doan, Daniela Zaharie, Marko Robnik-Šikonja

In many such cases, generators of synthetic data with the same statistical and predictive properties as the actual data allow efficient simulations and development of tools and applications.

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