Search Results for author: Daniele Ravi

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

An efficient semi-supervised quality control system trained using physics-based MRI-artefact generators and adversarial training

no code implementations7 Jun 2022 Daniele Ravi, Frederik Barkhof, Daniel C. Alexander, Lemuel Puglisi, Geoffrey JM Parker, Arman Eshaghi

To tackle this problem, we propose a framework with four main components: 1) artefact generators inspired by magnetic resonance physics to corrupt brain MRI scans and augment a training dataset, 2) abstract and engineered features to represent images compactly, 3) a feature selection process depending on the artefact class to improve classification, and 4) SVM classifiers to identify artefacts.

Computational Efficiency Data Augmentation +1

Degenerative Adversarial NeuroImage Nets for Brain Scan Simulations: Application in Ageing and Dementia

no code implementations3 Dec 2019 Daniele Ravi, Stefano B. Blumberg, Silvia Ingala, Frederik Barkhof, Daniel C. Alexander, Neil P. Oxtoby

To evaluate our approach, we trained the framework on 9852 T1-weighted MRI scans from 876 participants in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative dataset and held out a separate test set of 1283 MRI scans from 170 participants for quantitative and qualitative assessment of the personalised time series of synthetic images.

Image Quality Assessment Super-Resolution +3

Degenerative Adversarial NeuroImage Nets: Generating Images that Mimic Disease Progression

no code implementations5 Jul 2019 Daniele Ravi, Daniel C. Alexander, Neil P. Oxtoby

Simulating images representative of neurodegenerative diseases is important for predicting patient outcomes and for validation of computational models of disease progression.

Predicting Patient Outcomes

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

no code implementations28 Mar 2018 Javier Andreu Perez, Fani Deligianni, Daniele Ravi, Guang-Zhong Yang

The recent successes of AI have captured the wildest imagination of both the scientific communities and the general public.


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