Search Results for author: Danilo Silva

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

Benchmarking deep learning models for bearing fault diagnosis using the CWRU dataset: A multi-label approach

no code implementations19 Jul 2024 Rodrigo Kobashikawa Rosa, Danilo Braga, Danilo Silva

Finally, this paper proposes a more realistic dataset division that allows for more diversity in the training dataset while keeping the division free from data leakage.

Benchmarking Binary Classification +1

Does pre-training on brain-related tasks results in better deep-learning-based brain age biomarkers?

1 code implementation11 Jul 2023 Bruno Machado Pacheco, Victor Hugo Rocha de Oliveira, Augusto Braga Fernandes Antunes, Saulo Domingos de Souza Pedro, Danilo Silva

Brain age prediction using neuroimaging data has shown great potential as an indicator of overall brain health and successful aging, as well as a disease biomarker.

Deep Learning

How to Fix a Broken Confidence Estimator: Evaluating Post-hoc Methods for Selective Classification with Deep Neural Networks

1 code implementation24 May 2023 Luís Felipe P. Cattelan, Danilo Silva

Our results show that a simple $p$-norm normalization of the logits, followed by taking the maximum logit as the confidence estimator, can lead to considerable gains in selective classification performance, completely fixing the pathological behavior observed in many classifiers.


Predição da Idade Cerebral a partir de Imagens de Ressonância Magnética utilizando Redes Neurais Convolucionais

no code implementations23 Dec 2021 Victor H. R. Oliveira, Augusto Antunes, Alexandre S. Soares, Arthur D. Reys, Robson Z. Júnior, Saulo D. S. Pedro, Danilo Silva

In this work, deep learning techniques for brain age prediction from magnetic resonance images are investigated, aiming to assist in the identification of biomarkers of the natural aging process.

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