Search Results for author: Danny Panknin

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Explainable AI needs formal notions of explanation correctness

no code implementations22 Sep 2024 Stefan Haufe, Rick Wilming, Benedict Clark, Rustam Zhumagambetov, Danny Panknin, Ahcène Boubekki

This will lead to notions of explanation correctness that can be theoretically verified and objective metrics of explanation performance that can be assessed using ground-truth data.

Attribute Explainable artificial intelligence +2

EXACT: Towards a platform for empirically benchmarking Machine Learning model explanation methods

no code implementations20 May 2024 Benedict Clark, Rick Wilming, Artur Dox, Paul Eschenbach, Sami Hached, Daniel Jin Wodke, Michias Taye Zewdie, Uladzislau Bruila, Marta Oliveira, Hjalmar Schulz, Luca Matteo Cornils, Danny Panknin, Ahcène Boubekki, Stefan Haufe

The evolving landscape of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) aims to improve the interpretability of intricate machine learning (ML) models, yet faces challenges in formalisation and empirical validation, being an inherently unsupervised process.

Benchmarking Explainable artificial intelligence +1

Optimal Sampling Density for Nonparametric Regression

no code implementations25 May 2021 Danny Panknin, Klaus Robert Müller, Shinichi Nakajima

Assuming that a small number of initial samples are available, we derive the optimal training density that minimizes the generalization error of local polynomial smoothing (LPS) with its kernel bandwidth tuned locally: We adopt the mean integrated squared error (MISE) as a generalization criterion, and use the asymptotic behavior of the MISE as well as the locally optimal bandwidths (LOB) - the bandwidth function that minimizes MISE in the asymptotic limit.

Active Learning regression

Local Function Complexity for Active Learning via Mixture of Gaussian Processes

no code implementations27 Feb 2019 Danny Panknin, Stefan Chmiela, Klaus-Robert Müller, Shinichi Nakajima

Inhomogeneities in real-world data, e. g., due to changes in the observation noise level or variations in the structural complexity of the source function, pose a unique set of challenges for statistical inference.

Active Learning GPR +1

Validity of time reversal for testing Granger causality

no code implementations25 Sep 2015 Irene Winkler, Danny Panknin, Daniel Bartz, Klaus-Robert Müller, Stefan Haufe

Inferring causal interactions from observed data is a challenging problem, especially in the presence of measurement noise.


Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing

1 code implementation11 Jun 2012 Tammo Krueger, Danny Panknin, Mikio Braun

With the increasing size of today's data sets, finding the right parameter configuration in model selection via cross-validation can be an extremely time-consuming task.

Model Selection

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