Search Results for author: Danny Weyns

Found 10 papers, 0 papers with code

Online ML Self-adaptation in Face of Traps

no code implementations11 Sep 2023 Michal Töpfer, František Plášil, Tomáš Bureš, Petr Hnětynka, Martin Kruliš, Danny Weyns

Recently, we experimented with applying online ML for self-adaptation of a smart farming scenario and we had faced several unexpected difficulties -- traps -- that, to our knowledge, are not discussed enough in the community.

From Self-Adaptation to Self-Evolution Leveraging the Operational Design Domain

no code implementations27 Mar 2023 Danny Weyns, Jesper Andersson

Then, we outline a new approach for self-evolution that leverages the concept of ODD, enabling a system to evolve autonomously to deal with conditions not anticipated by its initial ODD.

Self Adaptive System

Dealing with Drift of Adaptation Spaces in Learning-based Self-Adaptive Systems using Lifelong Self-Adaptation

no code implementations4 Nov 2022 Omid Gheibi, Danny Weyns

We present a general architecture for lifelong self-adaptation and apply it to the case of drift of adaptation spaces that affects the decision-making in self-adaptation.

Decision Making Self Adaptive System

The Vision of Self-Evolving Computing Systems

no code implementations14 Apr 2022 Danny Weyns, Thomas Baeck, Rene Vidal, Xin Yao, Ahmed Nabil Belbachir

We motivate the need for self-evolving computing systems in light of the state of the art, outline a conceptual architecture of self-evolving computing systems, and illustrate the architecture for a future smart city mobility system that needs to evolve continuously with changing conditions.

Deep Learning for Effective and Efficient Reduction of Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems

no code implementations13 Apr 2022 Danny Weyns, Omid Gheibi, Federico Quin, Jeroen Van Der Donckt

DLASeR+ offers an extendable learning framework for online adaptation space reduction that does not require feature engineering, while supporting three common types of adaptation goals: threshold, optimization, and set-point goals.

Feature Engineering Self Adaptive System

Lifelong Self-Adaptation: Self-Adaptation Meets Lifelong Machine Learning

no code implementations4 Apr 2022 Omid Gheibi, Danny Weyns

In this paper, we focus on one such challenge that is particularly important for self-adaptation: ML techniques are designed to deal with a set of predefined tasks associated with an operational domain; they have problems to deal with new emerging tasks, such as concept shift in input data that is used for learning.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Decision Making +1

Lifelong Computing

no code implementations19 Aug 2021 Danny Weyns, Thomas Bäck, Renè Vidal, Xin Yao, Ahmed Nabil Belbachir

When detecting anomalies, novelties, new goals or constraints, a lifelong computing system activates an evolutionary self-learning engine that runs online experiments to determine how the computing-learning system needs to evolve to deal with the changes, thereby changing its architecture and integrating new computing elements from computing warehouses as needed.


Towards Better Adaptive Systems by Combining MAPE, Control Theory, and Machine Learning

no code implementations19 Mar 2021 Danny Weyns, Bradley Schmerl, Masako Kishida, Alberto Leva, Marin Litoiu, Necmiye Ozay, Colin Paterson, Kenji Tei

Two established approaches to engineer adaptive systems are architecture-based adaptation that uses a Monitor-Analysis-Planning-Executing (MAPE) loop that reasons over architectural models (aka Knowledge) to make adaptation decisions, and control-based adaptation that relies on principles of control theory (CT) to realize adaptation.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

On the Impact of Applying Machine Learning in the Decision-Making of Self-Adaptive Systems

no code implementations18 Mar 2021 Omid Gheibi, Danny Weyns, Federico Quin

Yet, since machine learning methods apply in essence statistical methods, they may have an impact on the decisions made by a self-adaptive system.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Decision Making +2

Applying Machine Learning in Self-Adaptive Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

no code implementations6 Mar 2021 Omid Gheibi, Danny Weyns, Federico Quin

The research questions are centred on the problems that motivate the use of machine learning in self-adaptive systems, the key engineering aspects of learning in self-adaptation, and open challenges.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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