Search Results for author: Daowen Qiu

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Supervisory Control of Quantum Discrete Event Systems

no code implementations20 Apr 2021 Daowen Qiu

Discrete event systems (DES) have been deeply developed and applied in practice, but state complexity in DES still is an important problem to be better solved with innovative methods.

Characterizing entanglement using quantum discord over state extensions

no code implementations7 Dec 2020 Chunhe Xiong, Sunho Kim, Daowen Qiu

In particular, we show that the minimal Bures distance of discord over state extensions is equivalent to Bures distance of entanglement.

Quantum Physics

Supervisory Control of Probabilistic Discrete Event Systems under Partial Observation

no code implementations17 May 2018 Weilin Deng, Jingkai Yang, Daowen Qiu

The supervisory control of probabilistic discrete event systems (PDESs) is investigated under the assumptions that the supervisory controller (supervisor) is probabilistic and has a partial observation.

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