Search Results for author: Darius Dabert

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Learning Valid Dual Bounds in Constraint Programming: Boosted Lagrangian Decomposition with Self-Supervised Learning

no code implementations22 Aug 2024 Swann Bessa, Darius Dabert, Max Bourgeat, Louis-Martin Rousseau, Quentin Cappart

Lagrangian decomposition (LD) is a relaxation method that provides a dual bound for constrained optimization problems by decomposing them into more manageable sub-problems.

Self-Supervised Learning valid

Fully-fused Multi-Layer Perceptrons on Intel Data Center GPUs

1 code implementation26 Mar 2024 Kai Yuan, Christoph Bauinger, Xiangyi Zhang, Pascal Baehr, Matthias Kirchhart, Darius Dabert, Adrien Tousnakhoff, Pierre Boudier, Michael Paulitsch

We compare our approach to a similar CUDA implementation for MLPs and show that our implementation on the Intel Data Center GPU outperforms the CUDA implementation on Nvidia's H100 GPU by a factor up to 2. 84 in inference and 1. 75 in training.

Image Compression Physics-informed machine learning

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