Search Results for author: David Aparício

Found 10 papers, 2 papers with code

Natural language to SQL in low-code platforms

no code implementations29 Aug 2023 Sofia Aparicio, Samuel Arcadinho, João Nadkarni, David Aparício, João Lages, Mariana Lourenço, Bartłomiej Matejczyk, Filipe Assunção

Alongside this, we describe the entire pipeline, which comprises a feedback loop that allows us to quickly collect production data and use it to retrain our SQL generation model.

The GANfather: Controllable generation of malicious activity to improve defence systems

no code implementations25 Jul 2023 Ricardo Ribeiro Pereira, Jacopo Bono, João Tiago Ascensão, David Aparício, Pedro Ribeiro, Pedro Bizarro

In the former, our method moves cumulative amounts close to 350 thousand dollars through a network of accounts without being detected by an existing system.

Recommendation Systems

From random-walks to graph-sprints: a low-latency node embedding framework on continuous-time dynamic graphs

no code implementations17 Jul 2023 Ahmad Naser Eddin, Jacopo Bono, David Aparício, Hugo Ferreira, João Ascensão, Pedro Ribeiro, Pedro Bizarro

We demonstrate that our graph-sprints features, combined with a machine learning classifier, achieve competitive performance (outperforming all baselines for the node classification tasks in five datasets).

Graph Representation Learning Node Classification

T5QL: Taming language models for SQL generation

no code implementations21 Sep 2022 Samuel Arcadinho, David Aparício, Hugo Veiga, António Alegria

Automatic SQL generation has been an active research area, aiming at streamlining the access to databases by writing natural language with the given intent instead of writing SQL.

Code Generation Re-Ranking +2

Anti-Money Laundering Alert Optimization Using Machine Learning with Graphs

no code implementations14 Dec 2021 Ahmad Naser Eddin, Jacopo Bono, David Aparício, David Polido, João Tiago Ascensão, Pedro Bizarro, Pedro Ribeiro

Money laundering is a global problem that concerns legitimizing proceeds from serious felonies (1. 7-4 trillion euros annually) such as drug dealing, human trafficking, or corruption.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Machine learning methods to detect money laundering in the Bitcoin blockchain in the presence of label scarcity

1 code implementation29 May 2020 Joana Lorenz, Maria Inês Silva, David Aparício, João Tiago Ascensão, Pedro Bizarro

First, we show that existing state-of-the-art solutions using unsupervised anomaly detection methods are inadequate to detect the illicit patterns in a real Bitcoin transaction dataset.

Active Learning Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

ARMS: Automated rules management system for fraud detection

1 code implementation14 Feb 2020 David Aparício, Ricardo Barata, João Bravo, João Tiago Ascensão, Pedro Bizarro

We propose ARMS, an automated rules management system that evaluates the contribution of individual rules and optimizes the set of active rules using heuristic search and a user-defined loss-function.

Fraud Detection Management

GoT-WAVE: Temporal network alignment using graphlet-orbit transitions

no code implementations24 Aug 2018 David Aparício, Pedro Ribeiro, Tijana Milenković, Fernando Silva

Dynamic GDVs (DGDVs) were used as a dynamic NC measure within the first-ever algorithms for GPNA of temporal networks: DynaMAGNA++ and DynaWAVE.

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