Search Results for author: David Arbour

Found 20 papers, 8 papers with code

Continuous Treatment Effects with Surrogate Outcomes

no code implementations31 Jan 2024 Zhenghao Zeng, David Arbour, Avi Feller, Raghavendra Addanki, Ryan Rossi, Ritwik Sinha, Edward H. Kennedy

Incorporating surrogates, which are fully observed post-treatment variables related to the primary outcome, can improve estimation in this case.

Causal Inference Selection bias

Distributional Off-Policy Evaluation for Slate Recommendations

1 code implementation27 Aug 2023 Shreyas Chaudhari, David Arbour, Georgios Theocharous, Nikos Vlassis

Prior work has developed estimators that leverage the structure in slates to estimate the expected off-policy performance, but the estimation of the entire performance distribution remains elusive.

Fairness Off-policy evaluation

Sample Constrained Treatment Effect Estimation

1 code implementation12 Oct 2022 Raghavendra Addanki, David Arbour, Tung Mai, Cameron Musco, Anup Rao

In particular, we study sample-constrained treatment effect estimation, where we must select a subset of $s \ll n$ individuals from the population to experiment on.

Causal Inference

Learning Relational Causal Models with Cycles through Relational Acyclification

1 code implementation25 Aug 2022 Ragib Ahsan, David Arbour, Elena Zheleva

We introduce relational acyclification, an operation specifically designed for relational models that enables reasoning about the identifiability of cyclic relational causal models.

Causal Discovery

Non-Parametric Inference of Relational Dependence

1 code implementation30 Jun 2022 Ragib Ahsan, Zahra Fatemi, David Arbour, Elena Zheleva

Independence testing plays a central role in statistical and causal inference from observational data.

Causal Inference

Offline Evaluation of Ranked Lists using Parametric Estimation of Propensities

no code implementations6 Jun 2022 Vishwa Vinay, Manoj Kilaru, David Arbour

Search engines and recommendation systems attempt to continually improve the quality of the experience they afford to their users.

Learning-To-Rank Recommendation Systems

Off-Policy Evaluation in Embedded Spaces

no code implementations5 Mar 2022 Jaron J. R. Lee, David Arbour, Georgios Theocharous

Second, many recommendation systems are not probabilistic and so having access to logging and target policy densities may not be feasible.

Density Ratio Estimation Off-policy evaluation +1

Relational Causal Models with Cycles:Representation and Reasoning

no code implementations22 Feb 2022 Ragib Ahsan, David Arbour, Elena Zheleva

To facilitate cycles in relational representation and learning, we introduce relational $\sigma$-separation, a new criterion for understanding relational systems with feedback loops.

Constraint Sampling Reinforcement Learning: Incorporating Expertise For Faster Learning

1 code implementation30 Dec 2021 Tong Mu, Georgios Theocharous, David Arbour, Emma Brunskill

Online reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms are often difficult to deploy in complex human-facing applications as they may learn slowly and have poor early performance.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Time-uniform central limit theory and asymptotic confidence sequences

2 code implementations11 Mar 2021 Ian Waudby-Smith, David Arbour, Ritwik Sinha, Edward H. Kennedy, Aaditya Ramdas

This paper introduces time-uniform analogues of such asymptotic confidence intervals, adding to the literature on confidence sequences (CS) -- sequences of confidence intervals that are uniformly valid over time -- which provide valid inference at arbitrary stopping times and incur no penalties for "peeking" at the data, unlike classical confidence intervals which require the sample size to be fixed in advance.

Causal Inference valid

Online Discrepancy Minimization via Persistent Self-Balancing Walks

no code implementations4 Feb 2021 David Arbour, Drew Dimmery, Tung Mai, Anup Rao

We study the online discrepancy minimization problem for vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$ in the oblivious setting where an adversary is allowed fix the vectors $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n$ in arbitrary order ahead of time.

Data Structures and Algorithms Discrete Mathematics Combinatorics

Heterogeneous Graphlets

no code implementations23 Oct 2020 Ryan A. Rossi, Nesreen K. Ahmed, Aldo Carranza, David Arbour, Anup Rao, Sungchul Kim, Eunyee Koh

Notably, since typed graphlet is more general than colored graphlet (and untyped graphlets), the counts of various typed graphlets can be combined to obtain the counts of the much simpler notion of colored graphlets.

Efficient Balanced Treatment Assignments for Experimentation

1 code implementation21 Oct 2020 David Arbour, Drew Dimmery, Anup Rao

In this work, we reframe the problem of balanced treatment assignment as optimization of a two-sample test between test and control units.

Adjusting for Confounders with Text: Challenges and an Empirical Evaluation Framework for Causal Inference

no code implementations21 Sep 2020 Galen Weld, Peter West, Maria Glenski, David Arbour, Ryan Rossi, Tim Althoff

Across 648 experiments and two datasets, we evaluate every commonly used causal inference method and identify their strengths and weaknesses to inform social media researchers seeking to use such methods, and guide future improvements.

Causal Inference

Designing Transportable Experiments

1 code implementation8 Sep 2020 My Phan, David Arbour, Drew Dimmery, Anup B. Rao

To reduce the variance of our estimator, we design a covariate balance condition (Target Balance) between the treatment and control groups based on the target population.


General Identification of Dynamic Treatment Regimes Under Interference

no code implementations2 Apr 2020 Eli Sherman, David Arbour, Ilya Shpitser

In many applied fields, researchers are often interested in tailoring treatments to unit-level characteristics in order to optimize an outcome of interest.

Balanced off-policy evaluation in general action spaces

no code implementations9 Jun 2019 Arjun Sondhi, David Arbour, Drew Dimmery

We show that minimizing the risk of the classifier implies minimization of imbalance to the desired counterfactual distribution of state-action pairs.

Binary Classification counterfactual +2

Heterogeneous Network Motifs

no code implementations28 Jan 2019 Ryan A. Rossi, Nesreen K. Ahmed, Aldo Carranza, David Arbour, Anup Rao, Sungchul Kim, Eunyee Koh

To address this problem, we propose a fast, parallel, and space-efficient framework for counting typed graphlets in large networks.

A Sound and Complete Algorithm for Learning Causal Models from Relational Data

no code implementations26 Sep 2013 Marc Maier, Katerina Marazopoulou, David Arbour, David Jensen

However, there is no equivalent complete algorithm for learning the structure of relational models, a more expressive generalization of Bayesian networks.

Causal Discovery

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