Search Results for author: David C. Parkes

Found 42 papers, 9 papers with code

Experimental Evidence That Conversational Artificial Intelligence Can Steer Consumer Behavior Without Detection

no code implementations18 Sep 2024 Tobias Werner, Ivan Soraperra, Emilio Calvano, David C. Parkes, Iyad Rahwan

Conversational AI models are becoming increasingly popular and are about to replace traditional search engines for information retrieval and product discovery.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

Principal-Agent Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations25 Jul 2024 Dima Ivanov, Paul Dütting, Inbal Talgam-Cohen, Tonghan Wang, David C. Parkes

We model the delegated task as an MDP, and study a stochastic game between the principal and agent where the principal learns what contracts to use, and the agent learns an MDP policy in response.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning

GemNet: Menu-Based, Strategy-Proof Multi-Bidder Auctions Through Deep Learning

no code implementations11 Jun 2024 Tonghan Wang, Yanchen Jiang, David C. Parkes

This approach is general, leaving undisturbed trained menus that already satisfy menu compatibility and reducing to RochetNet for a single bidder.

Social Environment Design

1 code implementation21 Feb 2024 Edwin Zhang, Sadie Zhao, Tonghan Wang, Safwan Hossain, Henry Gasztowtt, Stephan Zheng, David C. Parkes, Milind Tambe, YiLing Chen

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds promise as a technology that can be used to improve government and economic policy-making.

Decision Making

Easy as ABCs: Unifying Boltzmann Q-Learning and Counterfactual Regret Minimization

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Luca D'Amico-Wong, Hugh Zhang, Marc Lanctot, David C. Parkes

We propose ABCs (Adaptive Branching through Child stationarity), a best-of-both-worlds algorithm combining Boltzmann Q-learning (BQL), a classic reinforcement learning algorithm for single-agent domains, and counterfactual regret minimization (CFR), a central algorithm for learning in multi-agent domains.

counterfactual OpenAI Gym +1

Optimal Automated Market Makers: Differentiable Economics and Strong Duality

no code implementations14 Feb 2024 Michael J. Curry, Zhou Fan, David C. Parkes

The role of a market maker is to simultaneously offer to buy and sell quantities of goods, often a financial asset such as a share, at specified prices.

Predictive Churn with the Set of Good Models

no code implementations12 Feb 2024 Jamelle Watson-Daniels, Flavio du Pin Calmon, Alexander D'Amour, Carol Long, David C. Parkes, Berk Ustun

And we characterize expected churn over model updates via the Rashomon set, pairing our analysis with empirical results on real-world datasets -- showing how our approach can be used to better anticipate, reduce, and avoid churn in consumer-facing applications.

Multi-Sender Persuasion: A Computational Perspective

no code implementations7 Feb 2024 Safwan Hossain, Tonghan Wang, Tao Lin, YiLing Chen, David C. Parkes, Haifeng Xu

We consider the multi-sender persuasion problem: multiple players with informational advantage signal to convince a single self-interested actor to take certain actions.

Chain-of-Thought Reasoning is a Policy Improvement Operator

no code implementations15 Sep 2023 Hugh Zhang, David C. Parkes

We introduce SECToR (Self-Education via Chain-of-Thought Reasoning), a proof-of-concept demonstration that language models can teach themselves new skills using chain-of-thought reasoning.


Generative Social Choice

1 code implementation3 Sep 2023 Sara Fish, Paul Gölz, David C. Parkes, Ariel D. Procaccia, Gili Rusak, Itai Shapira, Manuel Wüthrich

Traditionally, social choice theory has only been applicable to choices among a few predetermined alternatives but not to more complex decisions such as collectively selecting a textual statement.

Chatbot Language Modelling +1

Reinforcement Learning with Stepwise Fairness Constraints

no code implementations8 Nov 2022 Zhun Deng, He Sun, Zhiwei Steven Wu, Linjun Zhang, David C. Parkes

AI methods are used in societally important settings, ranging from credit to employment to housing, and it is crucial to provide fairness in regard to algorithmic decision making.

Decision Making Fairness +3

Oracles & Followers: Stackelberg Equilibria in Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations19 Oct 2022 Matthias Gerstgrasser, David C. Parkes

Stackelberg equilibria arise naturally in a range of popular learning problems, such as in security games or indirect mechanism design, and have received increasing attention in the reinforcement learning literature.

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +2

Explainable Reinforcement Learning via Model Transforms

1 code implementation24 Sep 2022 Mira Finkelstein, Lucy Liu, Nitsan Levy Schlot, Yoav Kolumbus, David C. Parkes, Jeffrey S. Rosenshein, Sarah Keren

This has given rise to a variety of approaches to explainability in RL that aim to reconcile discrepancies that may arise between the behavior of an agent and the behavior that is anticipated by an observer.

Decision Making reinforcement-learning +2

Predictive Multiplicity in Probabilistic Classification

no code implementations2 Jun 2022 Jamelle Watson-Daniels, David C. Parkes, Berk Ustun

We demonstrate the incidence and prevalence of predictive multiplicity in real-world tasks.


Learning to Mitigate AI Collusion on Economic Platforms

no code implementations15 Feb 2022 Gianluca Brero, Nicolas Lepore, Eric Mibuari, David C. Parkes

Algorithmic pricing on online e-commerce platforms raises the concern of tacit collusion, where reinforcement learning algorithms learn to set collusive prices in a decentralized manner and through nothing more than profit feedback.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

CrowdPlay: Crowdsourcing human demonstration data for offline learning in Atari games

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Matthias Gerstgrasser, Rakshit Trivedi, David C. Parkes

Human demonstrations of video game play can serve as vital surrogate representations of real-world behaviors, access to which would facilitate rapid progress in several complex learning settings (e. g. behavior classification, imitation learning, offline RL etc.).

Atari Games Imitation Learning +2

The AI Economist: Optimal Economic Policy Design via Two-level Deep Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation5 Aug 2021 Stephan Zheng, Alexander Trott, Sunil Srinivasa, David C. Parkes, Richard Socher

Here we show that machine-learning-based economic simulation is a powerful policy and mechanism design framework to overcome these limitations.

counterfactual reinforcement-learning +1

Deep Learning for Two-Sided Matching

no code implementations7 Jul 2021 Sai Srivatsa Ravindranath, Zhe Feng, Shira Li, Jonathan Ma, Scott D. Kominers, David C. Parkes

What is of most interest is to use machine learning to understand the possibility of new tradeoffs between strategy-proofness and stability.

valid Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

Reinforcement Learning of Sequential Price Mechanisms

no code implementations2 Oct 2020 Gianluca Brero, Alon Eden, Matthias Gerstgrasser, David C. Parkes, Duncan Rheingans-Yoo

We introduce the use of reinforcement learning for indirect mechanisms, working with the existing class of sequential price mechanisms, which generalizes both serial dictatorship and posted price mechanisms and essentially characterizes all strongly obviously strategyproof mechanisms.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Decision-Aware Conditional GANs for Time Series Data

no code implementations26 Sep 2020 He Sun, Zhun Deng, Hui Chen, David C. Parkes

We introduce the decision-aware time-series conditional generative adversarial network (DAT-CGAN) as a method for time-series generation.

Generative Adversarial Network Time Series +2

Defending Against Malicious Reorgs in Tezos Proof-of-Stake

no code implementations11 Sep 2020 Michael Neuder, Daniel J. Moroz, Rithvik Rao, David C. Parkes

As an example, an attacker with 40% of the staking power is able to execute a 20-block malicious reorg at an average rate of once per day, and the attack probability increases super-linearly as the staking power grows beyond 40%.

Cryptography and Security

From Predictions to Decisions: Using Lookahead Regularization

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Nir Rosenfeld, Sophie Hilgard, Sai Srivatsa Ravindranath, David C. Parkes

Machine learning is a powerful tool for predicting human-related outcomes, from credit scores to heart attack risks.

The AI Economist: Improving Equality and Productivity with AI-Driven Tax Policies

2 code implementations28 Apr 2020 Stephan Zheng, Alexander Trott, Sunil Srinivasa, Nikhil Naik, Melvin Gruesbeck, David C. Parkes, Richard Socher

In experiments conducted on MTurk, an AI tax policy provides an equality-productivity trade-off that is similar to that provided by the Saez framework along with higher inverse-income weighted social welfare.

Reinforcement Learning

Too many cooks: Bayesian inference for coordinating multi-agent collaboration

1 code implementation26 Mar 2020 Rose E. Wang, Sarah A. Wu, James A. Evans, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, David C. Parkes, Max Kleiman-Weiner

Underlying the human ability to collaborate is theory-of-mind, the ability to infer the hidden mental states that drive others to act.

Bayesian Inference

A Kernel of Truth: Determining Rumor Veracity on Twitter by Diffusion Pattern Alone

no code implementations28 Jan 2020 Nir Rosenfeld, Aron Szanto, David C. Parkes

Recent work in the domain of misinformation detection has leveraged rich signals in the text and user identities associated with content on social media.


Finding Friend and Foe in Multi-Agent Games

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Jack Serrino, Max Kleiman-Weiner, David C. Parkes, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Here we develop the DeepRole algorithm, a multi-agent reinforcement learning agent that we test on The Resistance: Avalon, the most popular hidden role game.

counterfactual Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning +1

The Intrinsic Robustness of Stochastic Bandits to Strategic Manipulation

no code implementations ICML 2020 Zhe Feng, David C. Parkes, Haifeng Xu

We prove that all three algorithms achieve a regret upper bound $\mathcal{O}(\max \{ B, K\ln T\})$ where $B$ is the total budget across arms, $K$ is the total number of arms and $T$ is length of the time horizon.

Recommendation Systems Thompson Sampling

Ridesharing with Driver Location Preferences

no code implementations30 May 2019 Duncan Rheingans-Yoo, Scott Duke Kominers, Hongyao Ma, David C. Parkes

We study revenue-optimal pricing and driver compensation in ridesharing platforms when drivers have heterogeneous preferences over locations.

Multiagent Systems Computer Science and Game Theory

Learning Representations by Humans, for Humans

no code implementations29 May 2019 Sophie Hilgard, Nir Rosenfeld, Mahzarin R. Banaji, Jack Cao, David C. Parkes

When machine predictors can achieve higher performance than the human decision-makers they support, improving the performance of human decision-makers is often conflated with improving machine accuracy.

Decision Making Representation Learning

Learning to Collaborate in Markov Decision Processes

no code implementations23 Jan 2019 Goran Radanovic, Rati Devidze, David C. Parkes, Adish Singla

We consider a two-agent MDP framework where agents repeatedly solve a task in a collaborative setting.

The Capacity Constrained Facility Location problem

no code implementations4 Jun 2018 Haris Aziz, Hau Chan, Barton E. Lee, David C. Parkes

The capacity constrained setting leads to a new strategic environment where a facility serves a subset of the population, which is endogenously determined by the ex-post Nash equilibrium of an induced subgame and is not directly controlled by the mechanism designer.

Multi-View Decision Processes: The Helper-AI Problem

no code implementations NeurIPS 2017 Christos Dimitrakakis, David C. Parkes, Goran Radanovic, Paul Tylkin

We consider a two-player sequential game in which agents have the same reward function but may disagree on the transition probabilities of an underlying Markovian model of the world.

Calibrated Fairness in Bandits

no code implementations6 Jul 2017 Yang Liu, Goran Radanovic, Christos Dimitrakakis, Debmalya Mandal, David C. Parkes

In addition, we define the {\em fairness regret}, which corresponds to the degree to which an algorithm is not calibrated, where perfect calibration requires that the probability of selecting an arm is equal to the probability with which the arm has the best quality realization.

Decision Making Fairness +1

Learnability of Influence in Networks

no code implementations NeurIPS 2015 Harikrishna Narasimhan, David C. Parkes, Yaron Singer

We establish PAC learnability of influence functions for three common influence models, namely, the Linear Threshold (LT), Independent Cascade (IC) and Voter models, and present concrete sample complexity results in each case.

Long-term causal effects via behavioral game theory

no code implementations NeurIPS 2016 Panagiotis, Toulis, David C. Parkes

Planned experiments are the gold standard in reliably comparing the causal effect of switching from a baseline policy to a new policy.

Causal Inference

A Statistical Decision-Theoretic Framework for Social Choice

no code implementations NeurIPS 2014 Hossein Azari Soufiani, David C. Parkes, Lirong Xia

In our framework, we are given a statistical ranking model, a decision space, and a loss function defined on (parameter, decision) pairs, and formulate social choice mechanisms as decision rules that minimize expected loss.

Decision Making

Contrastive Learning Using Spectral Methods

no code implementations NeurIPS 2013 James Y. Zou, Daniel J. Hsu, David C. Parkes, Ryan P. Adams

In many natural settings, the analysis goal is not to characterize a single data set in isolation, but rather to understand the difference between one set of observations and another.

Contrastive Learning

Generalized Method-of-Moments for Rank Aggregation

no code implementations NeurIPS 2013 Hossein Azari Soufiani, William Chen, David C. Parkes, Lirong Xia

In this paper we propose a class of efficient Generalized Method-of-Moments(GMM) algorithms for computing parameters of the Plackett-Luce model, where the data consists of full rankings over alternatives.

Generalized Random Utility Models with Multiple Types

no code implementations NeurIPS 2013 Hossein Azari Soufiani, Hansheng Diao, Zhenyu Lai, David C. Parkes

We propose a model for demand estimation in multi-agent, differentiated product settings and present an estimation algorithm that uses reversible jump MCMC techniques to classify agents' types.

General Classification

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