Search Results for author: David Kreil

Found 6 papers, 5 papers with code

Landslide4Sense: Reference Benchmark Data and Deep Learning Models for Landslide Detection

no code implementations1 Jun 2022 Omid Ghorbanzadeh, Yonghao Xu, Pedram Ghamisi, Michael Kopp, David Kreil

We make the multi-source landslide benchmark data (Landslide4Sense) and the tested DL models publicly available at \url{https://www. iarai. ac. at/landslide4sense}, establishing an important resource for remote sensing, computer vision, and machine learning communities in studies of image classification in general and applications to landslide detection in particular.

Deep Learning Image Classification

Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning by Representation Fusion

2 code implementations13 Oct 2020 Thomas Adler, Johannes Brandstetter, Michael Widrich, Andreas Mayr, David Kreil, Michael Kopp, Günter Klambauer, Sepp Hochreiter

On the few-shot datasets miniImagenet and tieredImagenet with small domain shifts, CHEF is competitive with state-of-the-art methods.

cross-domain few-shot learning Drug Discovery

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