Search Results for author: David M. Brandman

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

The Discriminative Kalman Filter for Bayesian Filtering with Nonlinear and Nongaussian Observation Models

1 code implementation1 May 2020 Michael C. Burkhart, David M. Brandman, Brian Franco, Leigh R. Hochberg, Matthew T. Harrison

Extensions to the Kalman filter, including the extended and unscented Kalman filters, incorporate linearizations for models where the observation model p(observation∣state) is nonlinear.

Brain Computer Interface regression +2

BCI decoder performance comparison of an LSTM recurrent neural network and a Kalman filter in retrospective simulation

no code implementations24 Dec 2018 Tommy Hosman, Marco Vilela, Daniel Milstein, Jessica N. Kelemen, David M. Brandman, Leigh R. Hochberg, John D. Simeral

Intracortical brain computer interfaces (iBCIs) using linear Kalman decoders have enabled individuals with paralysis to control a computer cursor for continuous point-and-click typing on a virtual keyboard, browsing the internet, and using familiar tablet apps.


The discriminative Kalman filter for nonlinear and non-Gaussian sequential Bayesian filtering

no code implementations23 Aug 2016 Michael C. Burkhart, David M. Brandman, Carlos E. Vargas-Irwin, Matthew T. Harrison

The Kalman filter (KF) is used in a variety of applications for computing the posterior distribution of latent states in a state space model.

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