Search Results for author: David Wang

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Liberal Entity Matching as a Compound AI Toolchain

no code implementations17 Jun 2024 Silvery D. Fu, David Wang, Wen Zhang, Kathleen Ge

Entity matching (EM), the task of identifying whether two descriptions refer to the same entity, is essential in data management.


A Wearable EEG System for Closed-Loop Neuromodulation of High-Frequency Sleep-Related Oscillations

no code implementations21 Dec 2022 Scott Bressler, Ryan Neely, Heather Read, Ryan Yost, David Wang

This study demonstrates the feasibility of closed-loop tracking and neuromodulation of alpha oscillations using a wearable EEG device.

EEG Sleep Quality

SK-Net: Deep Learning on Point Cloud via End-to-end Discovery of Spatial Keypoints

1 code implementation31 Mar 2020 Weikun Wu, Yan Zhang, David Wang, Yunqi Lei

However, existing point-based methods usually are not adequate to extract the local features and the spatial pattern of a point cloud for further shape understanding.

Efficiently Exploring Ordering Problems through Conflict-directed Search

no code implementations15 Apr 2019 Jingkai Chen, Cheng Fang, David Wang, Andrew Wang, Brian Williams

In this paper, we present Conflict-directed Incremental Total Ordering (CDITO), a conflict-directed search method to incrementally and systematically generate event total orders given ordering relations and conflicts returned by sub-solvers.

Benchmarking Scheduling

Mechanical Search: Multi-Step Retrieval of a Target Object Occluded by Clutter

no code implementations4 Mar 2019 Michael Danielczuk, Andrey Kurenkov, Ashwin Balakrishna, Matthew Matl, David Wang, Roberto Martín-Martín, Animesh Garg, Silvio Savarese, Ken Goldberg

In this paper, we formalize Mechanical Search and study a version where distractor objects are heaped over the target object in a bin.


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