Search Results for author: Davy Monticolo

Found 7 papers, 5 papers with code

Do Similar Entities have Similar Embeddings?

1 code implementation16 Dec 2023 Nicolas Hubert, Heiko Paulheim, Armelle Brun, Davy Monticolo

A common tacit assumption is the KGE entity similarity assumption, which states that these KGEMs retain the graph's structure within their embedding space, \textit{i. e.}, position similar entities within the graph close to one another.

Graph Similarity Knowledge Graph Embedding +2

Treat Different Negatives Differently: Enriching Loss Functions with Domain and Range Constraints for Link Prediction

2 code implementations1 Mar 2023 Nicolas Hubert, Pierre Monnin, Armelle Brun, Davy Monticolo

In an extensive and controlled experimental setting, we show that the proposed loss functions systematically provide satisfying results which demonstrates both the generality and superiority of our proposed approach.

Knowledge Graph Embedding Knowledge Graphs +2

Sem@$K$: Is my knowledge graph embedding model semantic-aware?

2 code implementations13 Jan 2023 Nicolas Hubert, Pierre Monnin, Armelle Brun, Davy Monticolo

That is why, in this paper, we extend our previously introduced metric Sem@K that measures the capability of models to predict valid entities w. r. t.

Knowledge Graph Embedding Knowledge Graphs +1

Results of multi-agent system and ontology to manage ideas and represent knowledge in a challenge of creativity

no code implementations11 Sep 2020 Pedro Barrios, Davy Monticolo, Sahbi Sidhom

This article is about an intelligent system to support ideas management as a result of a multi-agent system used in a distributed system with heterogeneous information as ideas and knowledge, after the results about an ontology to describe the meaning of these ideas.


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