Search Results for author: Dayang Wang

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

DSFNet: Dual-GCN and Location-fused Self-attention with Weighted Fast Normalized Fusion for Polyps Segmentation

1 code implementation15 Aug 2023 Juntong Fan, Debesh Jha, Tieyong Zeng, Dayang Wang

Polyps segmentation poses a significant challenge in medical imaging due to the flat surface of polyps and their texture similarity to surrounding tissues.

Brain Tumor Segmentation Decoder +2

Simulation of Arbitrary Level Contrast Dose in MRI Using an Iterative Global Transformer Model

no code implementations22 Jul 2023 Dayang Wang, Srivathsa Pasumarthi, Greg Zaharchuk, Ryan Chamberlain

In this work, we formulate a novel transformer (Gformer) based iterative modelling approach for the synthesis of images with arbitrary contrast enhancement that corresponds to different dose levels.

Tumor Segmentation

Masked Autoencoders for Low dose CT denoising

no code implementations10 Oct 2022 Dayang Wang, Yongshun Xu, Shuo Han, Hengyong Yu

A plethora of transformer models have been developed recently to improve LDCT image quality.

Decoder Denoising

SQ-Swin: a Pretrained Siamese Quadratic Swin Transformer for Lettuce Browning Prediction

no code implementations16 Sep 2022 Dayang Wang, Boce Zhang, Yongshun Xu, Yaguang Luo, Hengyong Yu

To the best of our knowledge, it is the first-of-its-kind on deep learning for lettuce browning prediction using a pretrained Siamese Quadratic Swin (SQ-Swin) transformer with several highlights.

Deep Learning Meta-Learning +1

CTformer: Convolution-free Token2Token Dilated Vision Transformer for Low-dose CT Denoising

2 code implementations28 Feb 2022 Dayang Wang, Fenglei Fan, Zhan Wu, Rui Liu, Fei Wang, Hengyong Yu

Furthermore, an overlapped inference mechanism is introduced to effectively eliminate the boundary artifacts that are common for encoder-decoder-based denoising models.

Decoder Denoising

Manifoldron: Direct Space Partition via Manifold Discovery

2 code implementations14 Jan 2022 Dayang Wang, Feng-Lei Fan, Bo-Jian Hou, Hao Zhang, Zhen Jia, Boce Zhou, Rongjie Lai, Hengyong Yu, Fei Wang

A neural network with the widely-used ReLU activation has been shown to partition the sample space into many convex polytopes for prediction.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

TED-net: Convolution-free T2T Vision Transformer-based Encoder-decoder Dilation network for Low-dose CT Denoising

2 code implementations8 Jun 2021 Dayang Wang, Zhan Wu, Hengyong Yu

The model is free of convolution blocks and consists of a symmetric encoder-decoder block with sole transformer.

Decoder Image Denoising

On a Sparse Shortcut Topology of Artificial Neural Networks

1 code implementation22 Nov 2018 Fenglei Fan, Dayang Wang, Hengtao Guo, Qikui Zhu, Pingkun Yan, Ge Wang, Hengyong Yu

In this paper, we investigate the expressivity and generalizability of a novel sparse shortcut topology.

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