Search Results for author: Delong Zhang

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Learning Implicit Features with Flow Infused Attention for Realistic Virtual Try-On

no code implementations16 Dec 2024 Delong Zhang, Qiwei Huang, Yuanliu liu, Yang Sun, Wei-Shi Zheng, Pengfei Xiong, Wei zhang

Image-based virtual try-on is challenging since the generated image should fit the garment to model images in various poses and keep the characteristics and details of the garment simultaneously.

Virtual Try-on

What's Next? Predicting Hamiltonian Dynamics from Discrete Observations of a Vector Field

no code implementations14 Dec 2023 Zi-Yu Khoo, Delong Zhang, Stéphane Bressan

We present several methods for predicting the dynamics of Hamiltonian systems from discrete observations of their vector field.

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