Search Results for author: Denilson Barbosa

Found 19 papers, 9 papers with code

Semantic Graphs for Syntactic Simplification: A Revisit from the Age of LLM

1 code implementation4 Jul 2024 Peiran Yao, Kostyantyn Guzhva, Denilson Barbosa

Symbolic sentence meaning representations, such as AMR (Abstract Meaning Representation) provide expressive and structured semantic graphs that act as intermediates that simplify downstream NLP tasks.

Abstract Meaning Representation Instruction Following +1

NLP Workbench: Efficient and Extensible Integration of State-of-the-art Text Mining Tools

1 code implementation2 Mar 2023 Peiran Yao, Matej Kosmajac, Abeer Waheed, Kostyantyn Guzhva, Natalie Hervieux, Denilson Barbosa

NLP Workbench is a web-based platform for text mining that allows non-expert users to obtain semantic understanding of large-scale corpora using state-of-the-art text mining models.

Entity Linking Relation Extraction +2

Typing Errors in Factual Knowledge Graphs: Severity and Possible Ways Out

2 code implementations3 Feb 2021 Peiran Yao, Denilson Barbosa

In this study, we question the quality of these KGs, where the typing error rate is estimated to be 27% for coarse-grained types on average, and even 73% for certain fine-grained types.

Knowledge Graphs

An Annotated Corpus of Webtables for Information Extraction Tasks

no code implementations18 Aug 2020 Erin Macdonald, Denilson Barbosa

Information Extraction is a well-researched area of Natural Language Processing with applications in web search and question answering concerned with identifying entities and relationships between them as expressed in a given context, usually a sentence of a paragraph of running text.

Question Answering Relation Extraction +1

Knowledge Graph Embedding for Link Prediction: A Comparative Analysis

1 code implementation3 Feb 2020 Andrea Rossi, Donatella Firmani, Antonio Matinata, Paolo Merialdo, Denilson Barbosa

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have found many applications in industry and academic settings, which in turn, have motivated considerable research efforts towards large-scale information extraction from a variety of sources.

Knowledge Graph Embedding Knowledge Graphs +1

KnowledgeNet: A Benchmark Dataset for Knowledge Base Population

1 code implementation IJCNLP 2019 Filipe Mesquita, Matteo Cannaviccio, Jordan Schmidek, Paramita Mirza, Denilson Barbosa

KnowledgeNet is a benchmark dataset for the task of automatically populating a knowledge base (Wikidata) with facts expressed in natural language text on the web.

Entity Linking Knowledge Base Population +1

Neural Fine-Grained Entity Type Classification with Hierarchy-Aware Loss

3 code implementations NAACL 2018 Peng Xu, Denilson Barbosa

The task of Fine-grained Entity Type Classification (FETC) consists of assigning types from a hierarchy to entity mentions in text.

General Classification Multi-Label Classification +3

Investigations on Knowledge Base Embedding for Relation Prediction and Extraction

no code implementations6 Feb 2018 Peng Xu, Denilson Barbosa

We report an evaluation of the effectiveness of the existing knowledge base embedding models for relation prediction and for relation extraction on a wide range of benchmarks.

Relation Relation Extraction

Extracting Family Relationship Networks from Novels

no code implementations3 May 2014 Aibek Makazhanov, Denilson Barbosa, Grzegorz Kondrak

We present an approach to the extraction of family relations from literary narrative, which incorporates a technique for utterance attribution proposed recently by Elson and McKeown (2010).

Improving Open Relation Extraction via Sentence Re-Structuring

no code implementations LREC 2014 Jordan Schmidek, Denilson Barbosa

Information Extraction is an important task in Natural Language Processing, consisting of finding a structured representation for the information expressed in natural language text.

Dependency Parsing Named Entity Recognition (NER) +3

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