Search Results for author: Denis Savenkov

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Dynamic Strategy Planning for Efficient Question Answering with Large Language Models

no code implementations30 Oct 2024 Tanmay Parekh, Pradyot Prakash, Alexander Radovic, Akshay Shekher, Denis Savenkov

Research has shown the effectiveness of reasoning (e. g., Chain-of-Thought), planning (e. g., SelfAsk), and retrieval augmented generation strategies to improve the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) on various tasks, such as question answering.

Multi-hop Question Answering Question Answering +1

AutoNLU: Detecting, root-causing, and fixing NLU model errors

no code implementations12 Oct 2021 Pooja Sethi, Denis Savenkov, Forough Arabshahi, Jack Goetz, Micaela Tolliver, Nicolas Scheffer, Ilknur Kabul, Yue Liu, Ahmed Aly

Improving the quality of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) models, and more specifically, task-oriented semantic parsing models, in production is a cumbersome task.

Active Learning Natural Language Understanding +1

RETRONLU: Retrieval Augmented Task-Oriented Semantic Parsing

no code implementations NLP4ConvAI (ACL) 2022 Vivek Gupta, Akshat Shrivastava, Adithya Sagar, Armen Aghajanyan, Denis Savenkov

While large pre-trained language models accumulate a lot of knowledge in their parameters, it has been demonstrated that augmenting it with non-parametric retrieval-based memory has a number of benefits from accuracy improvements to data efficiency for knowledge-focused tasks, such as question answering.

Question Answering Retrieval +1

EviNets: Neural Networks for Combining Evidence Signals for Factoid Question Answering

no code implementations ACL 2017 Denis Savenkov, Eugene Agichtein

A critical task for question answering is the final answer selection stage, which has to combine multiple signals available about each answer candidate.

Answer Selection Feature Engineering +4

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