Search Results for author: Dennis Aumiller

Found 12 papers, 8 papers with code

UniHD@CL-SciSumm 2020: Citation Extraction as Search

no code implementations EMNLP (sdp) 2020 Dennis Aumiller, Satya Almasian, Philip Hausner, Michael Gertz

This work presents the entry by the team from Heidelberg University in the CL-SciSumm 2020 shared task at the Scholarly Document Processing workshop at EMNLP 2020.


TICKing All the Boxes: Generated Checklists Improve LLM Evaluation and Generation

no code implementations4 Oct 2024 Jonathan Cook, Tim Rocktäschel, Jakob Foerster, Dennis Aumiller, Alex Wang

We then show that STICK (Self-TICK) can be used to improve generation quality across multiple benchmarks via self-refinement and Best-of-N selection.

Instruction Following

Evaluating Factual Consistency of Texts with Semantic Role Labeling

1 code implementation22 May 2023 Jing Fan, Dennis Aumiller, Michael Gertz

We introduce SRLScore, a reference-free evaluation metric designed with text summarization in mind.

Semantic Role Labeling Text Generation +1

On the State of German (Abstractive) Text Summarization

1 code implementation17 Jan 2023 Dennis Aumiller, Jing Fan, Michael Gertz

We attribute poor evaluation quality to a variety of different factors, which are investigated in more detail in this work: A lack of qualitative (and diverse) gold data considered for training, understudied (and untreated) positional biases in some of the existing datasets, and the lack of easily accessible and streamlined pre-processing strategies or analysis tools.

Abstractive Text Summarization Attribute +1

UniHD at TSAR-2022 Shared Task: Is Compute All We Need for Lexical Simplification?

1 code implementation4 Jan 2023 Dennis Aumiller, Michael Gertz

Previous state-of-the-art models for lexical simplification consist of complex pipelines with several components, each of which requires deep technical knowledge and fine-tuned interaction to achieve its full potential.

Lexical Simplification

EUR-Lex-Sum: A Multi- and Cross-lingual Dataset for Long-form Summarization in the Legal Domain

1 code implementation24 Oct 2022 Dennis Aumiller, Ashish Chouhan, Michael Gertz

Existing summarization datasets come with two main drawbacks: (1) They tend to focus on overly exposed domains, such as news articles or wiki-like texts, and (2) are primarily monolingual, with few multilingual datasets.

Klexikon: A German Dataset for Joint Summarization and Simplification

2 code implementations LREC 2022 Dennis Aumiller, Michael Gertz

Traditionally, Text Simplification is treated as a monolingual translation task where sentences between source texts and their simplified counterparts are aligned for training.

Text Simplification Text Summarization

BERT got a Date: Introducing Transformers to Temporal Tagging

1 code implementation30 Sep 2021 Satya Almasian, Dennis Aumiller, Michael Gertz

By supplementing training resources with weakly labeled data from rule-based systems, our model surpasses previous works in temporal tagging and type classification, especially on rare classes.

Classification Decoder +6

Structural Text Segmentation of Legal Documents

1 code implementation7 Dec 2020 Dennis Aumiller, Satya Almasian, Sebastian Lackner, Michael Gertz

The growing complexity of legal cases has lead to an increasing interest in legal information retrieval systems that can effectively satisfy user-specific information needs.

Change Detection Passage Retrieval +4

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