1 code implementation • EMNLP 2021 • Ananya B. Sai, Tanay Dixit, Dev Yashpal Sheth, Sreyas Mohan, Mitesh M. Khapra
Natural Language Generation (NLG) evaluation is a multifaceted task requiring assessment of multiple desirable criteria, e. g., fluency, coherency, coverage, relevance, adequacy, overall quality, etc.
1 code implementation • ICCV 2021 • Dev Yashpal Sheth, Sreyas Mohan, Joshua L. Vincent, Ramon Manzorro, Peter A. Crozier, Mitesh M. Khapra, Eero P. Simoncelli, Carlos Fernandez-Granda
This is advantageous because motion compensation is computationally expensive, and can be unreliable when the input data are noisy.
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1 code implementation • 24 Oct 2020 • Sreyas Mohan, Ramon Manzorro, Joshua L. Vincent, Binh Tang, Dev Yashpal Sheth, Eero P. Simoncelli, David S. Matteson, Peter A. Crozier, Carlos Fernandez-Granda
SBD outperforms existing techniques by a wide margin on a simulated benchmark dataset, as well as on real data.