Search Results for author: Dhanya Sridhar

Found 22 papers, 10 papers with code

The Landscape of Causal Discovery Data: Grounding Causal Discovery in Real-World Applications

1 code implementation2 Dec 2024 Philippe Brouillard, Chandler Squires, jonas Wahl, Konrad P. Kording, Karen Sachs, Alexandre Drouin, Dhanya Sridhar

Causal discovery aims to automatically uncover causal relationships from data, a capability with significant potential across many scientific disciplines.

Causal Discovery

General Causal Imputation via Synthetic Interventions

no code implementations28 Oct 2024 Marco Jiralerspong, Thomas Jiralerspong, Vedant Shah, Dhanya Sridhar, Gauthier Gidel

The task of causal imputation involves using this subset to predict unobserved interactions.


In-context learning and Occam's razor

1 code implementation17 Oct 2024 Eric Elmoznino, Tom Marty, Tejas Kasetty, Leo Gagnon, Sarthak Mittal, Mahan Fathi, Dhanya Sridhar, Guillaume Lajoie

While the No Free Lunch Theorem states that we cannot obtain theoretical guarantees for generalization without further assumptions, in practice we observe that simple models which explain the training data generalize best: a principle called Occam's razor.

Data Compression In-Context Learning

Causal Representation Learning in Temporal Data via Single-Parent Decoding

1 code implementation9 Oct 2024 Philippe Brouillard, Sébastien Lachapelle, Julia Kaltenborn, Yaniv Gurwicz, Dhanya Sridhar, Alexandre Drouin, Peer Nowack, Jakob Runge, David Rolnick

From these, one needs to learn both a mapping to causally-relevant latent variables, such as a high-level representation of the El Ni\~no phenomenon and other processes, as well as the causal model over them.

Causal Discovery Representation Learning

Sparsity regularization via tree-structured environments for disentangled representations

no code implementations30 May 2024 Elliot Layne, Jason Hartford, Sébastien Lachapelle, Mathieu Blanchette, Dhanya Sridhar

The key insight is that the mapping from latent variables driven by gene expression to the phenotype of interest changes sparsely across closely related environments.

Representation Learning

Does learning the right latent variables necessarily improve in-context learning?

1 code implementation29 May 2024 Sarthak Mittal, Eric Elmoznino, Leo Gagnon, Sangnie Bhardwaj, Dhanya Sridhar, Guillaume Lajoie

Our study highlights the intrinsic limitations of Transformers in achieving structured ICL solutions that generalize, and shows that while inferring the right latents aids interpretability, it is not sufficient to alleviate this problem.

In-Context Learning

Demystifying amortized causal discovery with transformers

no code implementations27 May 2024 Francesco Montagna, Max Cairney-Leeming, Dhanya Sridhar, Francesco Locatello

Consistent with classical approaches, good performance is achieved when we have a good prior on the test data, and the underlying model is identifiable.

Causal Discovery

In-Context Learning Can Re-learn Forbidden Tasks

no code implementations8 Feb 2024 Sophie Xhonneux, David Dobre, Jian Tang, Gauthier Gidel, Dhanya Sridhar

Specifically, we investigate whether in-context learning (ICL) can be used to re-learn forbidden tasks despite the explicit fine-tuning of the model to refuse them.

In-Context Learning Misinformation +2

Estimating Social Influence from Observational Data

1 code implementation24 Mar 2022 Dhanya Sridhar, Caterina De Bacco, David Blei

We consider the problem of estimating social influence, the effect that a person's behavior has on the future behavior of their peers.

Identifiable Deep Generative Models via Sparse Decoding

1 code implementation20 Oct 2021 Gemma E. Moran, Dhanya Sridhar, Yixin Wang, David M. Blei

The underlying model is sparse in that each observed feature (i. e. each dimension of the data) depends on a small subset of the latent factors.

Representation Learning

Causal Effects of Linguistic Properties

1 code implementation NAACL 2021 Reid Pryzant, Dallas Card, Dan Jurafsky, Victor Veitch, Dhanya Sridhar

Second, in practice, we only have access to noisy proxies for the linguistic properties of interest -- e. g., predictions from classifiers and lexicons.

Language Modelling

Valid Causal Inference with (Some) Invalid Instruments

no code implementations19 Jun 2020 Jason Hartford, Victor Veitch, Dhanya Sridhar, Kevin Leyton-Brown

The technique is simple to apply and is "black-box" in the sense that it may be used with any instrumental variable estimator as long as the treatment effect is identified for each valid instrument independently.

Causal Inference valid

Estimating Causal Effects of Tone in Online Debates

1 code implementation10 Jun 2019 Dhanya Sridhar, Lise Getoor

In this paper, we estimate the causal effect of reply tones in debates on linguistic and sentiment changes in subsequent responses.


Adapting Text Embeddings for Causal Inference

4 code implementations29 May 2019 Victor Veitch, Dhanya Sridhar, David M. Blei

To address this challenge, we develop causally sufficient embeddings, low-dimensional document representations that preserve sufficient information for causal identification and allow for efficient estimation of causal effects.

Causal Identification Causal Inference +5

Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action via Counterfactual Predictions

no code implementations26 May 2019 Yixin Wang, Dhanya Sridhar, David M. Blei

Machine learning (ML) can automate decision-making by learning to predict decisions from historical data.

counterfactual Decision Making +1

Scalable Structure Learning for Probabilistic Soft Logic

no code implementations3 Jul 2018 Varun Embar, Dhanya Sridhar, Golnoosh Farnadi, Lise Getoor

We introduce a greedy search-based algorithm and a novel optimization method that trade-off scalability and approximations to the structure learning problem in varying ways.

Using Noisy Extractions to Discover Causal Knowledge

no code implementations16 Nov 2017 Dhanya Sridhar, Jay Pujara, Lise Getoor

Knowledge bases (KB) constructed through information extraction from text play an important role in query answering and reasoning.

Causal Discovery

Adaptive Neighborhood Graph Construction for Inference in Multi-Relational Networks

no code implementations2 Jul 2016 Shobeir Fakhraei, Dhanya Sridhar, Jay Pujara, Lise Getoor

A neighborhood graph, which represents the instances as vertices and their relations as weighted edges, is the basis of many semi-supervised and relational models for node labeling and link prediction.

graph construction Link Prediction

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