Search Results for author: Di Peng

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Neural refractive index field: Unlocking the Potential of Background-oriented Schlieren Tomography in Volumetric Flow Visualization

no code implementations23 Sep 2024 Yuanzhe He, Yutao Zheng, Shijie Xu, Chang Liu, Di Peng, Yingzheng Liu, Weiwei Cai

Background-oriented Schlieren tomography (BOST) is a prevalent method for visualizing intricate turbulent flows, valued for its ease of implementation and capacity to capture three-dimensional distributions of a multitude of flow parameters.

Rover: An online Spark SQL tuning service via generalized transfer learning

no code implementations8 Feb 2023 Yu Shen, Xinyuyang Ren, Yupeng Lu, Huaijun Jiang, Huanyong Xu, Di Peng, Yang Li, Wentao Zhang, Bin Cui

When applying transfer learning to accelerate the tuning process, we notice two domain-specific challenges: 1) most previous work focus on transferring tuning history, while expert knowledge from Spark engineers is of great potential to improve the tuning performance but is not well studied so far; 2) history tasks should be carefully utilized, where using dissimilar ones lead to a deteriorated performance in production.

Bayesian Optimization Transfer Learning

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