Search Results for author: Dian Wang

Found 17 papers, 4 papers with code

基于人物特征增强的拟人句要素抽取方法研究(Research on Element Extraction of Personified Sentences Based on Enhanced Characters)

no code implementations CCL 2021 Jing Li, Suge Wang, Xin Chen, Dian Wang

“在散文阅读理解的鉴赏类问题中, 对拟人句赏析考查比较频繁。目前, 已有的工作仅对拟人句中的本体要素进行识别并抽取, 存在要素抽取不完整的问题, 尤其是当句子中出现多个本体时, 需要确定拟人词与各个本体的对应关系。为解决这些问题, 本文提出了基于人物特征增强的拟人句要素抽取方法。该方法利用特定领域的特征, 增强句子的向量表示, 再利用条件随机场模型对拟人句中的本体和拟人词要素进行识别。在此基础上, 利用自注意力机制对要素之间的关系进行检测, 使用要素同步机制和关系同步机制进行信息交互, 用于要素识别和关系检测的输入更新。在自建的拟人数据集上进行<本体, 拟人词>抽取的比较实验, 结果表明本文提出的模型性能优于其他比较模型。”

Equivariant Reinforcement Learning under Partial Observability

no code implementations26 Aug 2024 Hai Nguyen, Andrea Baisero, David Klee, Dian Wang, Robert Platt, Christopher Amato

Incorporating inductive biases is a promising approach for tackling challenging robot learning domains with sample-efficient solutions.

Inductive Bias reinforcement-learning +1

Equivariant Diffusion Policy

no code implementations1 Jul 2024 Dian Wang, Stephen Hart, David Surovik, Tarik Kelestemur, Haojie Huang, Haibo Zhao, Mark Yeatman, Jiuguang Wang, Robin Walters, Robert Platt

Recent work has shown diffusion models are an effective approach to learning the multimodal distributions arising from demonstration data in behavior cloning.


Equivariant Offline Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations20 Jun 2024 Arsh Tangri, Ondrej Biza, Dian Wang, David Klee, Owen Howell, Robert Platt

Sample efficiency is critical when applying learning-based methods to robotic manipulation due to the high cost of collecting expert demonstrations and the challenges of on-robot policy learning through online Reinforcement Learning (RL).

Offline RL Q-Learning +3

Large Effects of Small Cues: Priming Selfish Economic Decisions

no code implementations6 May 2024 Avichai Snir, Dudi Levy, Dian Wang, Haipeng Allan Chen, Daniel Levy

We find that when participants receive cues signaling that the decision has an economic context, both economics and non-economics students tend to maximize profits.

Fourier Transporter: Bi-Equivariant Robotic Manipulation in 3D

no code implementations22 Jan 2024 Haojie Huang, Owen Howell, Dian Wang, Xupeng Zhu, Robin Walters, Robert Platt

Many complex robotic manipulation tasks can be decomposed as a sequence of pick and place actions.

Leveraging Symmetries in Pick and Place

no code implementations15 Aug 2023 Haojie Huang, Dian Wang, Arsh Tangri, Robin Walters, Robert Platt

This paper analytically studies the symmetries present in planar robotic pick and place and proposes a method of incorporating equivariant neural models into Transporter Net in a way that captures all symmetries.

Imitation Learning

On Robot Grasp Learning Using Equivariant Models

1 code implementation10 Jun 2023 Xupeng Zhu, Dian Wang, Guanang Su, Ondrej Biza, Robin Walters, Robert Platt

Real-world grasp detection is challenging due to the stochasticity in grasp dynamics and the noise in hardware.

Inductive Bias

The Surprising Effectiveness of Equivariant Models in Domains with Latent Symmetry

no code implementations16 Nov 2022 Dian Wang, Jung Yeon Park, Neel Sortur, Lawson L. S. Wong, Robin Walters, Robert Platt

Extensive work has demonstrated that equivariant neural networks can significantly improve sample efficiency and generalization by enforcing an inductive bias in the network architecture.

Inductive Bias

Edge Grasp Network: A Graph-Based SE(3)-invariant Approach to Grasp Detection

no code implementations31 Oct 2022 Haojie Huang, Dian Wang, Xupeng Zhu, Robin Walters, Robert Platt

Given point cloud input, the problem of 6-DoF grasp pose detection is to identify a set of hand poses in SE(3) from which an object can be successfully grasped.

Equivariant Grasp learning In Real Time

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Xupeng Zhu, Dian Wang, Ondrej Biza, Robert Platt

Visual grasp detection is a key problem in robotics where the agent must learn to model the grasp function, a mapping from an image of a scene onto a set of feasible grasp poses.

Action Priors for Large Action Spaces in Robotics

1 code implementation11 Jan 2021 Ondrej Biza, Dian Wang, Robert Platt, Jan-Willem van de Meent, Lawson L. S. Wong

This paper proposes an alternative approach where the solutions of previously solved tasks are used to produce an action prior that can facilitate exploration in future tasks.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL) +2

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