Search Results for author: Didi Zhu

Found 12 papers, 0 papers with code

Learn from Downstream and Be Yourself in Multimodal Large Language Model Fine-Tuning

no code implementations17 Nov 2024 Wenke Huang, Jian Liang, Zekun Shi, Didi Zhu, Guancheng Wan, He Li, Bo Du, DaCheng Tao, Mang Ye

To balance the trade-off between generalization and specialization, we propose measuring the parameter importance for both pre-trained and fine-tuning distributions, based on frozen pre-trained weight magnitude and accumulated fine-tuning gradient values.

Image Captioning Language Modelling +4

Mitigating the Backdoor Effect for Multi-Task Model Merging via Safety-Aware Subspace

no code implementations17 Oct 2024 Jinluan Yang, Anke Tang, Didi Zhu, Zhengyu Chen, Li Shen, Fei Wu

In this paper, we first investigate the vulnerabilities of existing model merging methods to backdoor attacks, identifying two critical challenges: backdoor succession and backdoor transfer.


Merging LoRAs like Playing LEGO: Pushing the Modularity of LoRA to Extremes Through Rank-Wise Clustering

no code implementations24 Sep 2024 Ziyu Zhao, Tao Shen, Didi Zhu, Zexi Li, Jing Su, Xuwu Wang, Kun Kuang, Fei Wu

The centroid of each cluster serves as a representative MSU, enabling the assembly of a merged LoRA with an adjusted rank of $k$.

Improving Group Connectivity for Generalization of Federated Deep Learning

no code implementations29 Feb 2024 Zexi Li, Jie Lin, Zhiqi Li, Didi Zhu, Chao Wu

Bridging the gap between LMC and FL, in this paper, we leverage fixed anchor models to empirically and theoretically study the transitivity property of connectivity from two models (LMC) to a group of models (model fusion in FL).

Deep Learning Federated Learning +1

Model Tailor: Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting in Multi-modal Large Language Models

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Didi Zhu, Zhongyi Sun, Zexi Li, Tao Shen, Ke Yan, Shouhong Ding, Kun Kuang, Chao Wu

Catastrophic forgetting emerges as a critical challenge when fine-tuning multi-modal large language models (MLLMs), where improving performance on unseen tasks often leads to a significant performance drop on the original tasks.

Image Captioning Question Answering +1

RESMatch: Referring Expression Segmentation in a Semi-Supervised Manner

no code implementations8 Feb 2024 Ying Zang, Chenglong Fu, Runlong Cao, Didi Zhu, Min Zhang, WenJun Hu, Lanyun Zhu, Tianrun Chen

This pioneering work lays the groundwork for future research in semi-supervised learning for referring expression segmentation.

Image Segmentation Pseudo Label +5

Understanding Prompt Tuning for V-L Models Through the Lens of Neural Collapse

no code implementations28 Jun 2023 Didi Zhu, Zexi Li, Min Zhang, Junkun Yuan, Yunfeng Shao, Jiashuo Liu, Kun Kuang, Yinchuan Li, Chao Wu

It is found that NC optimality of text-to-image representations shows a positive correlation with downstream generalizability, which is more severe under class imbalance settings.

Quantitatively Measuring and Contrastively Exploring Heterogeneity for Domain Generalization

no code implementations25 May 2023 Yunze Tong, Junkun Yuan, Min Zhang, Didi Zhu, Keli Zhang, Fei Wu, Kun Kuang

With contrastive learning, we propose a learning potential-guided metric for domain heterogeneity by promoting learning variant features.

Contrastive Learning Domain Generalization

Generalized Universal Domain Adaptation with Generative Flow Networks

no code implementations8 May 2023 Didi Zhu, Yinchuan Li, Yunfeng Shao, Jianye Hao, Fei Wu, Kun Kuang, Jun Xiao, Chao Wu

We introduce a new problem in unsupervised domain adaptation, termed as Generalized Universal Domain Adaptation (GUDA), which aims to achieve precise prediction of all target labels including unknown categories.

Universal Domain Adaptation Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Universal Domain Adaptation via Compressive Attention Matching

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Didi Zhu, Yincuan Li, Junkun Yuan, Zexi Li, Kun Kuang, Chao Wu

To address this issue, we propose a Universal Attention Matching (UniAM) framework by exploiting the self-attention mechanism in vision transformer to capture the crucial object information.

Universal Domain Adaptation

Towards Effective Clustered Federated Learning: A Peer-to-peer Framework with Adaptive Neighbor Matching

no code implementations23 Mar 2022 Zexi Li, Jiaxun Lu, Shuang Luo, Didi Zhu, Yunfeng Shao, Yinchuan Li, Zhimeng Zhang, Yongheng Wang, Chao Wu

In the literature, centralized clustered FL algorithms require the assumption of the number of clusters and hence are not effective enough to explore the latent relationships among clients.

Federated Learning

Ensemble Federated Adversarial Training with Non-IID data

no code implementations26 Oct 2021 Shuang Luo, Didi Zhu, Zexi Li, Chao Wu

Despite federated learning endows distributed clients with a cooperative training mode under the premise of protecting data privacy and security, the clients are still vulnerable when encountering adversarial samples due to the lack of robustness.

Diversity Federated Learning

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