Search Results for author: Didier Chételat

Found 11 papers, 7 papers with code

InnerThoughts: Disentangling Representations and Predictions in Large Language Models

no code implementations29 Jan 2025 Didier Chételat, Joseph Cotnareanu, Rylee Thompson, Yingxue Zhang, Mark Coates

Large language models (LLMs) contain substantial factual knowledge which is commonly elicited by multiple-choice question-answering prompts.

Multiple-choice Position +1

Hint Marginalization for Improved Reasoning in Large Language Models

no code implementations17 Dec 2024 Soumyasundar Pal, Didier Chételat, Yingxue Zhang, Mark Coates

Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited an impressive capability to perform reasoning tasks, especially if they are encouraged to generate a sequence of intermediate steps.

Arithmetic Reasoning

Exploring the Power of Graph Neural Networks in Solving Linear Optimization Problems

1 code implementation16 Oct 2023 Chendi Qian, Didier Chételat, Christopher Morris

Recently, machine learning, particularly message-passing graph neural networks (MPNNs), has gained traction in enhancing exact optimization algorithms.

Combinatorial Optimization

Learning to Compare Nodes in Branch and Bound with Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation30 Oct 2022 Abdel Ghani Labassi, Didier Chételat, Andrea Lodi

Branch-and-bound approaches in integer programming require ordering portions of the space to explore next, a problem known as node comparison.

Graph Neural Network

Learning to branch with Tree MDPs

1 code implementation23 May 2022 Lara Scavuzzo, Feng Yang Chen, Didier Chételat, Maxime Gasse, Andrea Lodi, Neil Yorke-Smith, Karen Aardal

State-of-the-art Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) solvers combine systematic tree search with a plethora of hard-coded heuristics, such as the branching rule.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Ecole: A Library for Learning Inside MILP Solvers

1 code implementation6 Apr 2021 Antoine Prouvost, Justin Dumouchelle, Maxime Gasse, Didier Chételat, Andrea Lodi

In this paper we describe Ecole (Extensible Combinatorial Optimization Learning Environments), a library to facilitate integration of machine learning in combinatorial optimization solvers.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Combinatorial Optimization +2

Change Point Detection by Cross-Entropy Maximization

no code implementations2 Sep 2020 Aurélien Serre, Didier Chételat, Andrea Lodi

Many offline unsupervised change point detection algorithms rely on minimizing a penalized sum of segment-wise costs.

Change Point Detection

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