Search Results for author: Diego Molla

Found 12 papers, 3 papers with code

The Construction and Evaluation of the LEAFTOP Dataset of Automatically Extracted Nouns in 1480 Languages

no code implementations LREC 2022 Gregory Baker, Diego Molla

The claims to novelty are: the use of a Koine Greek New Testament as the source language; using a fully-annotated manually-created grammatically parse of the source text; a custom scraper for texts in the target languages; a new metric for language similarity; a novel strategy for evaluation on low-resource languages.

Demonstrating the Reliability of Self-Annotated Emotion Data

no code implementations NAACL (CLPsych) 2021 Anton Malko, Cecile Paris, Andreas Duenser, Maria Kangas, Diego Molla, Ross Sparks, Stephen Wan

Vent is a specialised iOS/Android social media platform with the stated goal to encourage people to post about their feelings and explicitly label them.

Query Focused Multi-document Summarisation of Biomedical Texts

1 code implementation27 Aug 2020 Diego Molla, Christopher Jones, Vincent Nguyen

This paper presents the participation of Macquarie University and the Australian National University for Task B Phase B of the 2020 BioASQ Challenge (BioASQ8b).

regression reinforcement-learning +4

Towards the Use of Deep Reinforcement Learning with Global Policy For Query-based Extractive Summarisation

1 code implementation10 Nov 2017 Diego Molla

Supervised approaches for text summarisation suffer from the problem of mismatch between the target labels/scores of individual sentences and the evaluation score of the final summary.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +2

Automated text summarisation and evidence-based medicine: A survey of two domains

no code implementations25 Jun 2017 Abeed Sarker, Diego Molla, Cecile Paris

We envision that this survey will serve as a first resource for the development of future operational text summarisation techniques for EBM.


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