no code implementations • LREC 2022 • Gregory Baker, Diego Molla
The claims to novelty are: the use of a Koine Greek New Testament as the source language; using a fully-annotated manually-created grammatically parse of the source text; a custom scraper for texts in the target languages; a new metric for language similarity; a novel strategy for evaluation on low-resource languages.
no code implementations • NAACL (CLPsych) 2021 • Anton Malko, Cecile Paris, Andreas Duenser, Maria Kangas, Diego Molla, Ross Sparks, Stephen Wan
Vent is a specialised iOS/Android social media platform with the stated goal to encourage people to post about their feelings and explicitly label them.
1 code implementation • CLEF 2020 • Diego Molla, Christopher Jones, Vincent Nguyen
This paper presents the participation of Macquarie University and the Australian National University for Task B Phase B of the 2020 BioASQ Challenge (BioASQ8b).
1 code implementation • 27 Aug 2020 • Diego Molla, Christopher Jones, Vincent Nguyen
This paper presents the participation of Macquarie University and the Australian National University for Task B Phase B of the 2020 BioASQ Challenge (BioASQ8b).
no code implementations • 2 Sep 2019 • Diego Molla, Christopher Jones
Task B Phase B of the 2019 BioASQ challenge focuses on biomedical question answering.
no code implementations • ALTA 2019 • Diego Molla, Aditya Joshi
We present an overview of the 2019 ALTA shared task.
1 code implementation • 10 Nov 2017 • Diego Molla
Supervised approaches for text summarisation suffer from the problem of mismatch between the target labels/scores of individual sentences and the evaluation score of the final summary.
no code implementations • 25 Jun 2017 • Abeed Sarker, Diego Molla, Cecile Paris
We envision that this survey will serve as a first resource for the development of future operational text summarisation techniques for EBM.