Search Results for author: Dirk Krücker

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

DeepTreeGANv2: Iterative Pooling of Point Clouds

2 code implementations24 Nov 2023 Moritz Alfons Wilhelm Scham, Dirk Krücker, Kerstin Borras

In High Energy Physics, detailed and time-consuming simulations are used for particle interactions with detectors.

Direct optimisation of the discovery significance when training neural networks to search for new physics in particle colliders

1 code implementation1 Jun 2018 Adam Elwood, Dirk Krücker

We introduce two new loss functions designed to directly optimise the statistical significance of the expected number of signal events when training neural networks to classify events as signal or background in the scenario of a search for new physics at a particle collider.

High Energy Physics - Experiment

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