Search Results for author: Dirk Uwe Sauer

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

Degradation mode estimation using reconstructed open circuit voltage curves from multi-year home storage field data

no code implementations12 Nov 2024 Jan Figgener, Jakob Bors, Matthias Kuipers, Felix Hildenbrand, Mark Junker, Lucas Koltermann, Philipp Woerner, Marc Mennekes, David Haberschusz, Kai-Philipp Kairies, Dirk Uwe Sauer

Here, we present a method that reconstructs the OCV curve continuously over the lifetime of a battery using the operational data of home storage field measurements over eight years.

Forecast-based charging strategy to prolong the lifetime of lithium-ion batteries in standalone PV battery systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

no code implementations15 May 2023 Jonathan Schulte, Jan Figgener, Philipp Woerner, Hendrik Broering, Dirk Uwe Sauer

This would significantly extend the life of the battery and ultimately lead to a more durable and cheaper operation of standalone PV battery systems.

FOCUS : A framework for energy system optimization from prosumer to district and city scale

no code implementations14 Apr 2023 Jingyu Gong, Yi Nie, Jonas van Ouwerkerk, Felix Wege, Mauricio Celi Cortés, Christoph von Oy, Jonas Brucksch, Christian Bußar, Thomas Schreiber, Dirk Uwe Sauer, Dirk Müller, Antonello Monti

To overcome these limitations a software framework called FOCUS for the flexible and dynamic modeling of any urban sector-coupled energy system is developed.

The development of battery storage systems in Germany: A market review (status 2023)

no code implementations13 Mar 2022 Jan Figgener, Christopher Hecht, David Haberschusz, Jakob Bors, Kai Gerd Spreuer, Kai-Philipp Kairies, Peter Stenzel, Dirk Uwe Sauer

In total, we estimate that over 650, 000 stationary BSS with a battery energy of 7. 0 GWh with an inverter power of 4. 3 GW and 1, 878, 000 EV with a battery energy of 65 GWh and a DC charging power of 91 GW (12 GW AC) were operated in Germany by the end of 2022.

Decision Making

Forecasting battery capacity and power degradation with multi-task learning

no code implementations29 Nov 2021 Weihan Li, Haotian Zhang, Bruis van Vlijmen, Philipp Dechent, Dirk Uwe Sauer

In this paper, we propose a data-driven prognostics framework to predict both capacity and power fade simultaneously with multi-task learning.

Multi-Task Learning

A Comprehensive Electric Vehicle Model for Vehicle-to-Grid Strategy Development

no code implementations23 Oct 2021 Fabian Rücker, Ilka Schoeneberger, Till Wilmschen, Ahmed Chahbaz, Philipp Dechent, Felix Hildenbrand, Elias Barbers, Matthias Kuipers, Jan Figgener, Dirk Uwe Sauer

The end-of-life for a cell cycled with 80 % DOD around an SOC of 50 % is reached after 3634 equivalent full cycles which equates to a driving distance of over 420000 km.

The Influence of Frequency Containment Reserve Flexibilization on the Economics of Electric Vehicle Fleet Operation

no code implementations7 Jul 2021 Jan Figgener, Benedikt Tepe, Fabian Rücker, Ilka Schoeneberger, Christopher Hecht, Andreas Jossen, Dirk Uwe Sauer

Based on our simulations, the impact of FCR flexibilization on the economics of an EV pool is analyzed using the German FCR market design from 2011 to 2020.

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