Search Results for author: Dmitriy Dligach

Found 30 papers, 2 papers with code

EntityBERT: Entity-centric Masking Strategy for Model Pretraining for the Clinical Domain

no code implementations NAACL (BioNLP) 2021 Chen Lin, Timothy Miller, Dmitriy Dligach, Steven Bethard, Guergana Savova

We propose a methodology to produce a model focused on the clinical domain: continued pretraining of a model with a broad representation of biomedical terminology (PubMedBERT) on a clinical corpus along with a novel entity-centric masking strategy to infuse domain knowledge in the learning process.

Negation Negation Detection +2

Summarizing Patients’ Problems from Hospital Progress Notes Using Pre-trained Sequence-to-Sequence Models

no code implementations COLING 2022 Yanjun Gao, Dmitriy Dligach, Timothy Miller, Dongfang Xu, Matthew M. M. Churpek, Majid Afshar

In this work, we propose a new NLP task that aims to generate a list of problems in a patient’s daily care plan using input from the provider’s progress notes during hospitalization.

Data Augmentation Domain Adaptation +3

Exploring Text Representations for Generative Temporal Relation Extraction

no code implementations NAACL (ClinicalNLP) 2022 Dmitriy Dligach, Steven Bethard, Timothy Miller, Guergana Savova

Sequence-to-sequence models are appealing because they allow both encoder and decoder to be shared across many tasks by formulating those tasks as text-to-text problems.

Decoder Relation +1

Leveraging A Medical Knowledge Graph into Large Language Models for Diagnosis Prediction

no code implementations28 Aug 2023 Yanjun Gao, Ruizhe Li, John Caskey, Dmitriy Dligach, Timothy Miller, Matthew M. Churpek, Majid Afshar

In this paper, we outline an innovative approach for augmenting the proficiency of LLMs in the realm of automated diagnosis generation, achieved through the incorporation of a medical knowledge graph (KG) and a novel graph model: Dr. Knows, inspired by the clinical diagnostic reasoning process.

Multi-Task Training with In-Domain Language Models for Diagnostic Reasoning

no code implementations7 Jun 2023 Brihat Sharma, Yanjun Gao, Timothy Miller, Matthew M. Churpek, Majid Afshar, Dmitriy Dligach

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising direction for augmenting clinical diagnostic decision support and reducing diagnostic errors, a leading contributor to medical errors.

Language Modelling

Progress Note Understanding -- Assessment and Plan Reasoning: Overview of the 2022 N2C2 Track 3 Shared Task

no code implementations14 Mar 2023 Yanjun Gao, Dmitriy Dligach, Timothy Miller, Matthew M Churpek, Ozlem Uzuner, Majid Afshar

The goal of the task was to identify and prioritize diagnoses as the first steps in diagnostic decision support to find the most relevant information in long documents like daily progress notes.

DR.BENCH: Diagnostic Reasoning Benchmark for Clinical Natural Language Processing

no code implementations29 Sep 2022 Yanjun Gao, Dmitriy Dligach, Timothy Miller, John Caskey, Brihat Sharma, Matthew M Churpek, Majid Afshar

The potential for clinical natural language processing (cNLP) to model diagnostic reasoning in humans with forward reasoning from data to diagnosis and potentially reduce the cognitive burden and medical error has not been investigated.

Named Entity Recognition Named Entity Recognition (NER) +1

Summarizing Patients Problems from Hospital Progress Notes Using Pre-trained Sequence-to-Sequence Models

no code implementations17 Aug 2022 Yanjun Gao, Dmitriy Dligach, Timothy Miller, Dongfang Xu, Matthew M. Churpek, Majid Afshar

In this work, we propose a new NLP task that aims to generate a list of problems in a patient's daily care plan using input from the provider's progress notes during hospitalization.

Data Augmentation Domain Adaptation +3

A Scoping Review of Publicly Available Language Tasks in Clinical Natural Language Processing

no code implementations7 Dec 2021 Yanjun Gao, Dmitriy Dligach, Leslie Christensen, Samuel Tesch, Ryan Laffin, Dongfang Xu, Timothy Miller, Ozlem Uzuner, Matthew M Churpek, Majid Afshar

Conclusions: The existing clinical NLP tasks cover a wide range of topics and the field will continue to grow and attract more attention from both general domain NLP and clinical informatics community.

Classifying Long Clinical Documents with Pre-trained Transformers

no code implementations14 May 2021 Xin Su, Timothy Miller, Xiyu Ding, Majid Afshar, Dmitriy Dligach

Automatic phenotyping is a task of identifying cohorts of patients that match a predefined set of criteria.


Extracting Adverse Drug Event Information with Minimal Engineering

no code implementations WS 2019 Timothy Miller, Alon Geva, Dmitriy Dligach

In this paper we describe an evaluation of the potential of classical information extraction methods to extract drug-related attributes, including adverse drug events, and compare to more recently developed neural methods.

Attribute Relation +1

Learning Patient Representations from Text

1 code implementation SEMEVAL 2018 Dmitriy Dligach, Timothy Miller

Mining electronic health records for patients who satisfy a set of predefined criteria is known in medical informatics as phenotyping.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Neural Temporal Relation Extraction

no code implementations EACL 2017 Dmitriy Dligach, Timothy Miller, Chen Lin, Steven Bethard, Guergana Savova

We experiment with neural architectures for temporal relation extraction and establish a new state-of-the-art for several scenarios.

Position Relation +3

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