Search Results for author: Dominik Seitz

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Qadence: a differentiable interface for digital-analog programs

no code implementations18 Jan 2024 Dominik Seitz, Niklas Heim, João P. Moutinho, Roland Guichard, Vytautas Abramavicius, Aleksander Wennersteen, Gert-Jan Both, Anton Quelle, Caroline de Groot, Gergana V. Velikova, Vincent E. Elfving, Mario Dagrada

Digital-analog quantum computing (DAQC) is an alternative paradigm for universal quantum computation combining digital single-qubit gates with global analog operations acting on a register of interacting qubits.

Revisiting Game Representations: The Hidden Costs of Efficiency in Sequential Decision-making Algorithms

no code implementations20 Dec 2021 Vojtěch Kovařík, David Milec, Michal Šustr, Dominik Seitz, Viliam Lisý

Recent advancements in algorithms for sequential decision-making under imperfect information have shown remarkable success in large games such as limit- and no-limit poker.

counterfactual Decision Making

Value Functions for Depth-Limited Solving in Zero-Sum Imperfect-Information Games

no code implementations31 May 2019 Vojtěch Kovařík, Dominik Seitz, Viliam Lisý, Jan Rudolf, Shuo Sun, Karel Ha

We provide a formal definition of depth-limited games together with an accessible and rigorous explanation of the underlying concepts, both of which were previously missing in imperfect-information games.


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