no code implementations • NAACL (CMCL) 2021 • Miloš Stanojević, Shohini Bhattasali, Donald Dunagan, Luca Campanelli, Mark Steedman, Jonathan Brennan, John Hale
Hierarchical sentence structure plays a role in word-by-word human sentence comprehension, but it remains unclear how best to characterize this structure and unknown how exactly it would be recognized in a step-by-step process model.
no code implementations • 31 Jan 2024 • Berta Franzluebbers, Donald Dunagan, Miloš Stanojević, Jan Buys, John T. Hale
Humans understand sentences word-by-word, in the order that they hear them.
no code implementations • 28 Oct 2022 • Miloš Stanojević, Jonathan R. Brennan, Donald Dunagan, Mark Steedman, John T. Hale
These effects are spatially distinct from bilateral superior temporal effects that are unique to predictability.