Search Results for author: Dongchan Min

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

Learning to Generate Conditional Tri-plane for 3D-aware Expression Controllable Portrait Animation

no code implementations31 Mar 2024 Taekyung Ki, Dongchan Min, Gyeongsu Chae

In this paper, we present Export3D, a one-shot 3D-aware portrait animation method that is able to control the facial expression and camera view of a given portrait image.

Disentanglement Portrait Animation

Context-Preserving Two-Stage Video Domain Translation for Portrait Stylization

no code implementations30 May 2023 Doyeon Kim, Eunji Ko, Hyunsu Kim, Yunji Kim, Junho Kim, Dongchan Min, Junmo Kim, Sung Ju Hwang

Portrait stylization, which translates a real human face image into an artistically stylized image, has attracted considerable interest and many prior works have shown impressive quality in recent years.


StyleLipSync: Style-based Personalized Lip-sync Video Generation

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Taekyung Ki, Dongchan Min

In this paper, we present StyleLipSync, a style-based personalized lip-sync video generative model that can generate identity-agnostic lip-synchronizing video from arbitrary audio.

Video Generation

Grad-StyleSpeech: Any-speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Synthesis with Diffusion Models

no code implementations17 Nov 2022 Minki Kang, Dongchan Min, Sung Ju Hwang

There has been a significant progress in Text-To-Speech (TTS) synthesis technology in recent years, thanks to the advancement in neural generative modeling.

Speech Synthesis Text to Speech +1

StyleTalker: One-shot Style-based Audio-driven Talking Head Video Generation

no code implementations23 Aug 2022 Dongchan Min, Minyoung Song, Eunji Ko, Sung Ju Hwang

We propose StyleTalker, a novel audio-driven talking head generation model that can synthesize a video of a talking person from a single reference image with accurately audio-synced lip shapes, realistic head poses, and eye blinks.

Talking Head Generation Video Generation

Distortion-Aware Network Pruning and Feature Reuse for Real-time Video Segmentation

no code implementations20 Jun 2022 Hyunsu Rhee, Dongchan Min, Sunil Hwang, Bruno Andreis, Sung Ju Hwang

Real-time video segmentation is a crucial task for many real-world applications such as autonomous driving and robot control.

Autonomous Driving Network Pruning +4

Meta-StyleSpeech : Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation

2 code implementations6 Jun 2021 Dongchan Min, Dong Bok Lee, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang

In this work, we propose StyleSpeech, a new TTS model which not only synthesizes high-quality speech but also effectively adapts to new speakers.

Text to Speech

Meta-GMVAE: Mixture of Gaussian VAE for Unsupervised Meta-Learning

1 code implementation ICLR 2021 Dong Bok Lee, Dongchan Min, Seanie Lee, Sung Ju Hwang

Then, the learned model can be used for downstream few-shot classification tasks, where we obtain task-specific parameters by performing semi-supervised EM on the latent representations of the support and query set, and predict labels of the query set by computing aggregated posteriors.

Meta-Learning Unsupervised Few-Shot Image Classification +2

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